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Hi guys, i recently bought the  Lg 42LB650V and yesterday it automatically updated, and i have a problem, when i am using a app for log time, like watching video on youtube, after a while it say's me something like "Out of Memory, app closed". Please help me what can i do. It displayed this error before the update but never in the youtube app, only when browsing. and i have another problem, when i am watching a video on the web browser, after 10-15 minutes, it displays the same out of memory error, and i watched the same video on my friend's lg smart tv that hasn't got webOs, has got the old Lg smart tv OS, cinema 3d , and i watched the complete video without any error, and did lot of other stuff and didn't got the out of memory error. I bought this LG thinking that it's a new model so it will not have problems, if i can watch in the old TV, why not in the new TV. Please help me, i am very worried because i will have to change the TV because of the same error that i got in my Sony Smart TV that i returned to the store. HEEEEELP Please. :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(


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4 hours ago, Leigh said:

Just got off the phone to lg support. I was told the web browser shuts down when attempting to stream video ON PURPOSE! Furthermore, once you stream anything from the internet, the cache fills up, does not clear, and prevents the installed apps from functioning properly.  I was told that the OS is a web browser NOT a web streaming service and if they allow customers access to stream video they will be in breach of their contractual agreement to the companies who have apps on the TV. This clearly doesn't happen on tablets or phones, so their logic for creating a sub par product is utter bollocks. I specifically asked the salesman if I could stream video from the internet and was told absolutely yes. When I pointed this out to Lg customer service they re-iterated that a web browser does not confer the ability to stream video. This is misleading the customer, and effectively censoring and filtering internet content.  This must stop! 

How come Samsung TVs don't have this problem?

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I had the problem for 5 years with 2 separate Tv's. It is any Smart App like iPlayer or YouTube. The problem is that the memory cache is not managed/cleared properly. Thus the only LG advice is turn off TV for a while then turn it on again.

I have an external HD D for recording and playing programmes which works  fine, but definitely had not resolved the Out of Memory errors

I have now spoken to the retailer I purchase it from as it's still under Warrantee, and got them to admit that as LG cant fix the known error, and as i have proof (video of the error appearing multiple times on multiple occasional,),  that the TV is not Fit for Purpose; from the Sale of Goods act. The Smart TV functionality keeps failing with the out of memory error, so TV is not providing promised functionality. Using this argument I am getting a refund for the TV and will never buy an LG TV again.

If under warranty, suggest trying the same approach.

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I have exactly the same issue when watching some video over SmartShare (using DLNA connection). It was perfectly fine for a few days, but now after a few minutes of watching some medium quality content (not heavy on a bandwidth, etc) message appears: "Out of memory. App closed". Youtube works fine. Please solve this immediately! 

LG 55LB63

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Video is on my computer (mac), with media server running on it and sharing content via wifi to router, router has wired connection to 55LB63. 

SmartShare crashes ("Out of memory. App is closed") after a while (~10minutes) of watching a movie, no matter how big the file is (1080p, 720p, etc...). However, if you pause it for a while, then SmartShare continues to work longer then 10minutes, but crashes later. However, SmartShare does not crash when playing the same files from USB. 


It used to work flawlessly for a few days, and suddenly all this came up. 


Any thoughts? Related to firmware update maybe (04.30.16)?

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Ok, it looks that there is a way around "out if memory. app is closed" message from SmartShare app.

It has been 3hrs non stop full hd movie via DLNA without any crash, here is what i did:


 - Fully restart media servers, I use Serviio and plex mostly), re-connect them through 'device connector' app.

 - Play the movies/media directly from 'device connector' app which directly leads to folders on media server (not the sort of compiled list of all movie/etc as SmartShare does).


I assume this might be a temporary solution, because when i ran SmartShare for the 1st time (6days ago) it was all fine for a couple of days and then the problems began (out of memory). Since now all is kinda newly reconnected -I'im just guessing - the TV just dumped some used memory and lets wait for couple of days to see if it stays fine.


55lb630v-za, fw 04.30.16

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Lg's WebOS sucks, my friend has an old lg smart tv from february 2013 with Netcast, and it works like a ferrari, and it hasn't got any bugs or problems, it also has html5 and also Flashplayer, i often go to his house and watch some online movies and it doesn't stop, and the same movie at the same webpage when i watch it, after 10 o 15 minutes it says "Out of memory, app is closed" WTF? I am non satisfied with the new WebOS, FAILED EXPERIMENT FROM LG, LIKE THE SAME HAPPENDED WITH PALM'S WEBOS, AND THEN HP'S WEBOS AND NOW WITH LG'S WEBOS.

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I knew there was major memory leaks with this OS.  Unreal that LG hasn't patched this yet.  Shame on them.  This happens to me, when watching Netflix, Amazon, or DLNA after a few shows.  Its so bad, that I literally have to wait 10 seconds before it registers a click.  You know the only solution, turn the TV off for about 20 seconds and start again.  Basically, rebooting your TV.  Its pretty pathetic that you should have to reboot your TV after watching a few shows.


I have heard they are releasing WebOS 2.0 on their 2015 model TV's.  They say the OS is fast.  I certainly hope that they allow the 2014 TV's to upgrade to 2.0.

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Yes and LG doesn't beleive us either, i sayed them that my friend has a 2013 model with netcast and he can watch movies in the web browser without any problems and when i watch the same movie at the same website the tv after 5 minutes sayes out of memory, and they replied me that it's impossible that a 2013 tv with netcast works beter than a 2014 with webOS,shame on LG, they are just crazy , i'm planning to make a video comparing the 2013 tvs with 2014 and upload it on youtube to prevent people from buying tvs from LG, i'd recommendd them more Samsung, even the cheapest of their tv has a quad core processor and it has more support, LG is a dumb company.

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I have a 2012 LG 55LM7600.  Its not WebOS, but some other OS.  It doesn't lock up like WebOS does but it isn't the fastest either.  I like WebOS better, but the memory leaks have to stop. 


Keep in mind that this is version 1.0.  Lets hope with 2.0 these issues are resolved.  if not, I may not purchase another LG TV.  I have been loyal to them.  I own 3 LG TV's.

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The memory doesn't leak, it's not a material or like a liquid, the problem is that the OS itself uses too much memory and the apps apart from youtube are programmed in a way that they use memory that they cannot refresh it, the web browser is the worst of them, even if you visit a webpage with very small content , it closes due to memory error, webOS has to be fixed. The youtube app is the only that works nicely and smoothly.

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Yes, but they also commented me that it's not a computer or a smartphone memory, so that means it doesn't automatically refresh, once the memory is full, you have to reboot the TV. I personally think that they have put a cheap and chinese RAM.

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sorry my english manual translated by google are Italian:


I also have a 42lb650v tv, well then, I noticed that it is a matter of memory, especially its management, not the quantity, as for example if you see a movie to youtube, you see that when you see out of memory, the cursor video buffer is quite ahead of the video itself, the gray line that runs on the bar advancement video.
too many services running in the background
definitely does not work properly the system kernel, as it generates problems and slowdowns in all functions handled, not only in the video.
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