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WebOS vs Old SmartTV's Menu

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I recently got a 32LB650V from LG Hellas as replacement of my old 32LM620A where it had a serious damage that coldn't be repaired. 

Nice move from LG but....

The new WebOS for the moment is a crap compared to the old menu.

In the old menu i had:

LG Premium with lot's of goodies

LG Smart World where it was full of apps of anykind and i could find anything i want. 

LG 3D World with nice short movies, cartoons and documentaries in 3D.

Where are all these in WebOS????????


Now i have only youtube, facebook and 2-3 other useless stuff.


OK the panel's quality is better, sound is better, the configuration menu is OK, but where are all the other things that made me buy my old 32LM620A????????

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Hi, Wiliamsats, Hi Alex.


My problems are the same as yours: No LG Store in France, no Magic Remote AN-MR500 available.


Has anyone a date about thiese events (Alex, is "this month" May  ?)


Otherwise, LG Customer support is answering very fast and precisely, but they can't tell more about a date in a country or a buying location.

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Its a shame that there is still no store on it :(   already got the tv for almost 3 weeks and still coming soon . let them just fill the store with  the already running apps  and put  a  notice  Filling UP . 

i did bye the tv  because  of some apps already  in the promo movie. but were twitter ???. got  Skype  running . but for that i needed change country . . thats not the easy way :P

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This TV set still a very good device, some stuff is working very well:

- 3D

- Miracast from a samsung phone (only display from photos and video, not screen mirroring)

- Optical output to a DSP

- Network connexion by wire

- HDMI and Component intputs (automaticaly reconized when a signal is in)

- AND watching TV from DVB-T


My former set coudn't do the 4 first things (the williamsats' sandwhich is far more tasty than my older ;-).


djazzy, your comment about changing country to have some more apps is very interresting.


Alex was right about May:


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But are other countries concerned ?

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OK, another bug that i found last night.

My TV doesn't display properly greek subtitles (they look like "Chinese"). 

I tryied to change almost everything that was possible, but nothing happened. 

I hope it'll be fixed with the update.



Alleluia ! the update has come today (15/05/2014) and the store is open ! skype, youtube, arte+7 for me !

Where do you live?


...And so, if i change the country from the settings will this affect any other settings in my TV?

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Like i  say its not your tv set Your prob try to use  a SRT file to decode on the run .IF it happens with live tv ( or decoder) yes then its your tv :)


but for now   just try to find out what happens   .Can be the resolution  or something like that . And yes iam still not  realy happy. missing a lot of things to setup the tv properly.



But the good thing is i Got  WIDI running on my  Home pc :)  so  is can use HBOgo on big screen now . and typing this now  on the big screen

with a logithech k400 keyboard keys and mouse pointer work both

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Like i  say its not your tv set Your prob try to use  a SRT file to decode on the run .IF it happens with live tv ( or decoder) yes then its your tv :)


but for now   just try to find out what happens   .Can be the resolution  or something like that . And yes iam still not  realy happy. missing a lot of things to setup the tv properly.



But the good thing is i Got  WIDI running on my  Home pc :)  so  is can use HBOgo on big screen now . and typing this now  on the big screen

with a logithech k400 keyboard keys and mouse pointer work both

In my old LM620A i use to plug the USB stick in one of the TV's USB ports and everything was OK with the subs. 

Doing it the same way now, my TV doesn't recognise the greek fonts of the SRT file and instead it shows incomprehensible words. 


By the way, thanks for posting the model of your keyboard, i'll get one too.

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Today I first discovered  my 32LB650V TV got a new firmware update. So upgraded from 03.00.65 (webos 1.0.0-7925) to the new 03.23.08 (webos 1.2.0-2708).

And then I saw LG webstore had opened here in Denmark too.


I wonder if there's a changelog for the firmware somewhere?...

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Realy ???  for now i say NO. to much  section`s  scare`s people away. BUT if you got 50 members online  at the same time then is time to make section`s :)


Believe me i got experience in this. because i was 1 off the founder`s /moderator`s on 1 of the  big  .satellite boards in the Netherlands and before you know its a daytime job.

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So we have a mixed vote...lol. I understand djazzy, I have a few other forums as well and we don't want to scare people away with no content. Just looking to categorize a bit with the app catalog opening for some..:)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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Should we create a section for the webos web store, apps, etc discussions?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

It's not a bad idea. 

If people who use those apps can tell thier experiences and write a small review with "-" will be good for the rest who don't try apps if they don't know if it works or/and how it works. 

The only thing is that the reviews should be checked somehow for their reliability from an objective view. 

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In my old LM620A i use to plug the USB stick in one of the TV's USB ports and everything was OK with the subs. 

Doing it the same way now, my TV doesn't recognise the greek fonts of the SRT file and instead it shows incomprehensible words. 


By the way, thanks for posting the model of your keyboard, i'll get one too.

So I have the 42" one but I guess they run on essentially the same fw that my comment will help u.

It probably has something to do with the encoding of your srt files. I always convert greek srt to UTF-8 but i have successfully displayed correctly both utf-8 and iso 8859-7 greek srt on my lg.

After you start playback hit OK on your remote, move to the right, click OK on the arrow button, then OK on the SUBS button and then I think it's the second button where u select the proper encoding of the subtitles. Supposing you are using the greek menu it should say something like Κωδικοποίηση-->Προεπιλογή (or something like Encoding-Default, I'm away for the weekend so I can't quote the exact terms). Change Προεπιλογή (Default) το Ελληνικά(Greek) if using ISO 8859-7 encoded srts, or just select the first option after Προεπιλογή if using UTF-8 and it should work.



The Logitech keyboard proposed is an excellent choice. I have also tried it on my new LG and it works flawlessly. Its battery consumption is so good you'll forget to change batteries. However it is a bit large so for most operations I use the standard remote. Will try the new smartphone app in the next week to see how usable that is.

I also tried connecting a Logitech usb webcam but i got an unsupported USB device message. Guess I'll have to buy an LG model to use skype.

For network media playback I use DLNA (Smart Share) serving media from my PC using Serviio. I tried using the default Windows 7 Media Player sharing, but couldn't get .mkv playback unless i changed the extension from .mkv to .avi, something I am not willing to do. Also finally I have a TV that can playback DTS audio so that's a +1 for no more need to transcode audio.

Overall, I'm quite happy with my recent purchase, just two details that I don't like.

1. The interface seems a little slow responding to commands from the standard remote. Using the touchpad from my wireless keyboard it gets a bit better but I don't want to use an entire keyboard for simple functions. Maybe a Magic Remote will also work better that the standard one, or the smaprtphone app too, but is too much to ask for something that works well out of the box with all the money I spent?

2. There is no option (or I haven't found it) to display a list of channels. On my old LG (2009) the remote had a "List" button to display a list of channels and quickly navigate to the channel of your choice. Even the cheapest STB dvb-t decoders have this. But there is no such operation on the new LG model. I have to manually change channels until i find the one I want, or remember where I put each channel. Any ideas?

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I have the excellent LGla690v, bought it at the end of 2013, surely LG will update their high end TV'S OF 2013 TO webos after all its less than a year old and I presume it would be more than capable. There's no way am buying a new tv just for a software update which should be upgradable, it's one of the reasons why people get upset over their shiny new TV'S, come on LG don't leave out your customers who's tv is less than a year old, it's just ridiculous give people value for money and services and updates with capable tvs.

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Added a sub forum for LG Store discussions: http://www.lgwebos.com/forum/37-lg-store-tv-webos-apps/


Also added a sub forum under than for a listing of apps we can all provide feedback and review: http://www.lgwebos.com/forum/38-webos-tv-apps-reviews/


For the second, I added 4 new topics for 4 apps and ask that if anyone adds an app listing/topic, just use the app title as the topic title and they will all be listed in alphabetical order as posted. :D I turned on the rating system for that section so we can use it as an app review.

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Hi Beredim, 

Are you sure that you're talking 'bout the same TV (series) as mine?

My old TV was the 32LM620A (and as i wrote above, everything was working fine), but the problem that i have now with the subtitles comes from my new 32LB650V. 

Yes same series. It's the 42LB650V. Firmware version is 03.00.56 and webos version is 1.0.0-7916. 

So it turns out I was wrong in my previous post. I can now confirm that ISO 8859-7 encoded greek srt files don't display correctly.

However UTF-8 encoded greek srt files render just fine.

Here are some screenshots of the process (they are very blurry, but which widget-button is selected on the GUI in each step is clear enough).


To change your .srt encoding to utf-8 just open with notepad, select File-->Save As, choose the same filename and UTF-8 encoding












I read above about the fw update, but it was not available in Greece. So I just changed my LG Services Location setting (or whatever it's called when using the english menu) to UK, it showed a new firmware. I updated (fw 03.23.08, webos 1.2.0-2708) and then had access to the UK webos appstore. I then reverted the location setting to Greece and now have access to the Greek appstore (which i guess hasn't officialy launched yet). Not a lot of content atm, but better than nothing.

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