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vTuner no more working on my BP735





I was using somewhat often the vTuner application on my LG Blu-Ray BP735 and since few days I'm unable to start this application.


When I start the vTuner from the Premium page (or from my favorites), I just got an horizontal white line in the screen. I waited over 10 minutes and nothing more. Turn On, Turn Off,... nothing more.


My LG OS is a the latest version


All others applications that I use are still working fine.


The vTuner is a "builtin" application in the Premium menu. How can I fix the problem (I don't find a way to reinstall it) ?





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I have the same problem with my LG 60" 3d Smart TV (60LB6520-TB).  At the end of October I updated the software to 05.00.15 / webOS TV Version 1.4.0-2507 (afro-ashley).


Since the update, vTuner does not load. It goes to a screen with a white background that says:


Not Found
HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.


In the last day or so, the vTuner app has disappeared from the app ribbon and the premium section.


LG Smart World support told me to use a wifi hotspot and to change my country setting.  Nothing worked.


I wrote again and said:



NONE of this helps. This problem needs to be elevated to the next tier and taken up with the developers. My day job is IT manager and I could easily assist the developers with checking and pinging to see a website is accessible in Oman. If the developers are working on a solution for the next update, just tell me that and I will be patient.

vTuner's website works just fine on my PC. I click on a station, and it starts to play.


It looks like our brothers and sisters with Sony gadgets have around the same time suffered the loss of vTuner as well:

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vTuner Internet radio service

September 17, 2015

We regret to inform you that as of October 5, the vTuner Internet radio streaming service will be permanently terminated on Sony devices.

Since the service was suspended in May by the service provider, Sony has been seeking a solution. Unfortunately, it was impossible to resolve this issue and as a result this service will terminate permanently.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.

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I have the same problem on my LG BP620 blu ray player. We have enjoyed vTuner for years on this player and right after the last software update several days ago when we go into vTuner through premium we just get a black screen with a thin white horizontal line near the top. I have emailed both LG and vTuner but have not received a response  :-( 

The vTuner box is still there at present. I really hope they will resinsate it.

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I have two BP550s and the same thing happened to both of them.  I think it was after an update.  The update couldn't seem to be stopped, even after initializing to factory specs.  Was on the phone a long long time with LG and they seemed to be unaware of any LG or vTuner problem.  They walked me through many steps, all of which I tried previously, with no positive results.  They had me ship both of them to LG for repair - or whatever they figure out.  Hopefully, if the update is the problem they can help me keep updates from happening.  I really don't care about the updates as I  got these 2 specifically for vTuner and I hope they can give vTuner back to me.  I have already gone thru the garbage with Sony as I bought 2 receivers over 350 apiece for vTuner which went away.  Then I got 2 Sony blu-ray players had vTuner which went away and now this with LG.  Making me very frustrated.  Well the 550's are in the mail and my fingers are crossed.  Any recommendations on Internet Radios with as good a interface as vTuner.  I really don't like Pandora and Iheartradio leaves much to be desired.  Thank much Gene

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Hi Genec,


I'm suprized of your answer because I also open a call with LG support last week and I didn't received a positive solution like you... The person told me that application (vTuner) was not a LG application, but a third-party application distributed on LG Smart... then no support is offered !!! It sure that I tried to have more answer from the LG support. I asked to talk with his supervisor (level 2) and I didn't have a good answer also ! He just told me that vTuner partnership is no more supported by LG and this application is no more available ! Then, I ask to be refunded for my Under warranty Equipment (no more than 5 months) and he didn't want.


I searched another answer on this problem. I open a case with vTuner company directly some days ago to understand what's happen withe their service, but I didn't receive any reply for the moment. If you go on the vTuner Website you can view that company have a partnership with Samsung, LG, Audi, Yamaha, Pioneer, etc... but nothing in a news section that could explain the situation of a temporary unavailable service or stopping their partnership.


For the moment, the situation is very strange... many people seems to have the same problem, but didn't get the same answer from LG support.

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I found out today that vTuner and LG have no more support in the U.S. for their blue-ray players or smart TVs.  I had the horizontal problem talked to two different techs.  They had me send both units, bought within weeks of each other having the exact same problem.  The horizontal line and no vTuner.  Everything else worked just fine on both machines.  They had me send in the machines waited a month and finally got one back, repaired with a part.  Well, it didn't need a part (the other one is still there waiting for a part).  They had it down for failure to 'scan' even though there was no scan problem before or after on either.  So I don't know what they were trying to fix because I told them specifically about two machines, identical with the identical vTuner problem.  Parts? for what.  Well they replaced a part and guess what I still have no vTuner.  I called them and talked to them they went away a few times and finally came back and said the vTuner was no longer supported in the United States by LG.  So what did they fix with the parts.  Why did they try to hide the fact that vTuner didn't work when that was what was on the repair orders, both of them.  So no vTuner and that's exactly why I bought the two 550's for, only for the vTuner.  I went thru the same thing with Sony.  Two Sony AV receivers at 399 a piece, 2 Sony blu-ray players 100 a piece and now 2 LG blu-ray players 90 a piece.  Tha't is alot of money for paperweights.  At least the Sony receiver is ok as far as AV goes, they replaced vTuner with I love tunes or something which I hate and LG has Pandora but they both stink compared to vTuner.  I can get the vTuner webstation and search for stations manually then pipe it to my receiver via bluetooth but that's a hassle and cumbersome and you end up with no favorites.  With vTuner I had probably 100 or more favorites.  German, french, new age, country etc.

Well I refuse, and told them so, to ever buy another Sony product or another LG product.  They should have offered my money back at the least.  My LG combination VHS/DVD recorder also doesn't burn DVD video anymore.  I don't trust their product reliability anymore and am looking for a replacement for my LG Volt cell phone.  Bad service will not get me to buy their product again.

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I am in Canada. I called LG last week as well because their suggestion to 'initialize' my player did nothing. They had me on the line for a little awhile and then came back and told me the same thing: LG no longer has an agreement with vTuner so that is that.

So disappointing. We loved vTuner too and I haven't been able to find or rig anything else up to our system that compares  :-(

Being in Canada, we don't have the Pandora option. I have noticed Deezer on our menu but it will never load up.

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I know, I'm disgusted with both LG and vTuner.  I'm not sure how to get it back.  What I'm doing for now is using the vTuner web site to bluetooth to my music destination.  But it's way too cumberson.  What I can't understand is why I can get every station vTuner has on their website, but not on the products we bought just because it's in the U.S.  I had heard of some changing their units to be non US. but can't figure out how that would be done.  I don't have Deezer and I really don't like Pandora.  It's ok but not what I would choose and I don't think the fidelity is all that great.  Good luck.  If you find an alternative, yell, please.

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LG and vTuner are not in the U.S. anymore.  Not with their Blu-Rays, Smart TVs or anything else they produce.  So you're being in the UK makes a difference.  If I could initialize it to UK specs I'd try that.  I have kept trying to bring vTuner up but still thin line towards the top.  They repaired one machine for an app.  Apps don't have parts, especially when every other app worked.  What they repaired I don't know, they are still angry at me.  The second unit wasn't repaired because they didn't have a 'part'.  Part for what?  An app.  You get the idea. 

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Thanks for your post, Bees. I had last checked vTuner only a few days ago and still the black screen with white line along the top. After reading your post I tried it again this morning and voila!  It is back up and working like usual with my favorites. I am in Canada and, as I mentioned above, LG told me over the phone that they were no longer supporting vTuner. So....I guess things have changed again. So glad to have it back and here's hoping it will keep working!

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Hi everyone on this post,


Finally I tested again like you my vTuner App and he's coming back !!!


May be LG and other companies who's integrated this application in their basic OS they have decided to renew their contract with vTuner due to too much request of non-working.


It's a good gift for Christmas... and for those they love Christmas and New Year songs, I suggest you to search for "North America - Canada - Quebec, then "Rouge FM 102,9" (French and English songs)... and every weekend 8-12pm you will find "funny songs", very interesting during the summer around a fireplace and a beer ! 


For the moment, we can "close" this post !

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Well I just went to try and listen to some vTuner German music on my LG Blu-Ray player (1 of 2) and here we go again.  No vTuner, just back to the line at the top.  Anybody know of an Internet Radio from Grace or elsewhere that I can get something comparible to vTuner?  I've had it with LG.  That was cruel to give it out temporarily and then take it back again.  I'm so so disappointed.

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Hi everyone...


Finally, I'm in the same situation also. vTuner service Inside Canada stop working again. Like Bees told, it was a short-term Christmas present :(


We don't known if the problem is with vTuner or with LG... but something is working weird with this service... I will contact vTuner again.

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Just purchased the LG 550 mainly for of its vTuner feature, which I just unfortunately confirmed here on these forums is apparently no more.  And it appears that internet radio apps on blu-ray players in general are becoming as rare as hen's teeth.  Fortunately, I still have my three Panny 360 players that have both the 'Tune-In Radio' and 'Shoutcast' internet radio apps, as well as my Roku streaming sticks, altho 'Tune-In Radio' is very buggy on the Roku's.  FYI, for those who still want internet radio (on BD players), the current midrange and top-of-the-line Panasonic 270 and 460 models still have the aforementioned apps.  In any case, I guess I have 29 days to decide if I want to return my 550, and will keep both my fingers crossed that vTuner will be reinstated in the meantime ...

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Well I got 2 internet radios.  A a Tuner which optically hooks up to my Sony AV Receiver and a smaller unit which uses RCA analog hookup to my Sony receiver in the bedroom and they are vTuner like even better and have search like vTuner and Pandora, iheartradio, NPR on-demand, BBC, ESPN, Live 365, Sirius, over 30,000 Podcast.  Heck with LG.


The tuner is both wired/wireless but the other Grace is wireless only but has a USB optional adapter for wired due here Tuesday.  Good luck with you all.

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I have a BP735 and had the black (or ls it white?) line problem for many months.  I checked again yesterday and now I get a webpage saying "404 - File or directory not found.  The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."  Not sure if this is a good or bad omen.  My LG software is up-to-date.


I have an Onkyo with internet radio now so it's not the end of the world for me, but vTuner was one of the principal reasons I went with LG.  I hate consumer electronics (I do love the Onkyo tho)!

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