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Zibri last won the day on September 28 2022

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  1. any updates? can anyone receive it on their LG TV?
  2. yep. very strange that the OLED CX can't "play" it we should contact support and ask them to fix that.
  3. Latest DVB firmwares for OLED CX: Official 04.30.55 Beta 04.30.58 Beta 04.45.10
  4. Hi everyone, just a curiosity: until a couple of weeks ago this channel was broadcasting in 4K a looped playlist of 4k contents. Then for a couple of days it showed a TESTCARD image. Now it's showing nothing and "service not supported" pops up (obviously I tried already to retune it) This is the channel: https://www.digitalbitrate.com/dtv.php?mux=10727&pid=4602&live=65&sec=0&lang=en Can anyone see it, is it a firmware problem or it's the channel itself? Usually I analyze this using a satellite card on a pc but I don't have that now. P.S. I own an OLED CX65 but I don't think is a TV problem. It looks like they are testing codecs or other stuff. I am just curious if at the moment it is visible or what.
  5. Latest DVB firmware for OLED CX: Official 04.30.40 Beta 04.40.56
  6. I know I can do it from my phone or pc, but on my UJ670V I had a screenshare option in tv menu. I can't find such option anywhere now on my new CX. Firmware version 04.30.40 (5.3.0-19-jhericurl-jasper) Also: before I was able to cast a chrome window from my pc to the tv. Now if I click the cast button it does not show any devices. (But widi works under windows 10) I don't understand what is going on and what is causing this.
  7. Does anybody have this file? Software_File(Version_03.21.16).zip Or more version 3.xx.xx ? I have versions 2 and 4.. not 3. They are for LG OLED CX models.
  8. I don't think I have that on my 55UJ670V I will check on the new OLED55CX when it arrives. Usually dimming can be disabled in the menus...
  9. Hello again. I am searching for all OLD versions for the following TVS (which all share the same firmware): OLED65GXPVA OLED77GXPVA OLED65WXPVA OLED55CXPVA OLED65CXPVA OLED77CXPVA OLED55GXPTA OLED65GXPTA OLED77GXPTA OLED48CXPTA OLED55CXPTA OLED65CXPTA OLED77CXPTA I actually have found: Software_File(Version_03.10.43).zip Software_File(Version_03.11.25).zip Does anybody have older versions? 03.00.45 <<<<<<<<<<< MISSING 03.00.60 <<<<<<<<<<< MISSING 03.10.20 FOUND 03.10.43 FOUND 03.11.10 FOUND 03.11.25 FOUND 03.11.30 FOUND
  10. Just for your amusement this is an example of the level of control I have on ALL LG TVs: the menus you see are custom made.
  11. officially: no. unofficially I can do it even remotely. Send me a PM.
  12. Ah ok... saraà che sulla mia la 5.80.25 esisteva da tempo e la beta è 5.80.30 da tipo 3 mesi.
  13. No In realtà hanno fatto un rollback ad una versione che funzionava
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