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Apple TV app with DNS over TLS doesn't work



WebOS 05.20.15

DNS over TLS active on router (Cloudfare), all apps (like Netflix, Prime Video & HBO Max etc) are working fine, but the Apple TV app times out (no network)
Removed the app, installed it again, but still not network. Turned DNS over TLS off, Apple TV works fine.
According to Apple it's a LG (WebOS) issue, the only requirements, they say, are "active internet connection" and "no VPN".
Also tested with Apple TV on a Fire TV Stick (on same network) and there it's working fine wiht DoT.  Unfortunately Fire Stick is not 4K, so app on TV is preferred.

Look to me issue is with the Apple TV app itselfs, but Apple says it's LG.

Anyone got some suggestions?

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Same issue on my C8. Had my router configured with DNS over TLS (also Cloudflare). Resolved by turning it off.

It's the only app on my LG TV that has this issue. Shame that we have to sacrifice important security features in order to get Apple TV to work.

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