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Found 6 results

  1. Some time ago, palm.com was redirecting to mynewpalm.com and at one point there was splash page with the old palm logo. Checking today, palm.com still redirects to mynewpalm.com but instead of a page not found, it now takes you to: Then to http://home.sqreem.com/login/?urlBefore=http://mynewpalm.com/ Question is, what is SQREEM? http://home.sqreem.com/home/?tabpage=aboutsqreem Now that's in Google Chrome but in edge, mynewpalm.com comes up as: TLC is supposed to revive the palm branded phones but with Android: https://www.extremetech.com/mobile/254835-tcl-will-revive-palm-brand-devices-slated-2018
  2. Unfortunately not running our beloved webOS, but Android, FCC documents show a new Palm phone in the works. If you recall, the Palm brand was purchased by TLC with the promise of releasing new Palm branded phones..... First spotted by Android Police, new filings show a device called the Palm PVG100 has passed through the FCC and WiFi Alliance. Yes, a Palm smartphone submitted by the Palm Ventures Group just showed up in 2018. Not much is known about the device, but it is an Android 8.1 Oreo smartphone with WiFi 2.4GHz and quad-band LTE support. If you went "huh" after reading 2.4GHz, you are correct with that reaction as this device will not support the faster 5GHz band, common in most devices now, by the looks of this filing. ....read more Palm PVG100 Escapes Smartphone Purgatory Running Android Oreo Read more at https://hothardware.com/news/palm-pvg100-android-81-oreo-fcc-wi-fi-alliance#FEfCvRfRWTaoFl4R.99
  3. Palm makes a comeback! TCL to 're-create' the brand - The Chinese consumer-electronics company wants to resurrect a once-beloved smartphone brand. LAS VEGAS -- The Palm name, once a leader in the smartphone world, gets another chance at life thanks to Chinese consumer-electronics company TCL. TCL said on Tuesday that it had acquired the rights to the Palm name and would "re-create" a new company based in Silicon Valley. The company added that it would use input from Palm's fan base, touting that it would be the largest crowd-sourced project in the industry. TCL has been attempting to build up its brand and awareness in the US. The company is largely known for selling low-cost televisions, but it also has a mobile-device division, which uses the Alcatel OneTouch name. By utilizing the Palm name, which has a long history in the mobile world with the original Treo and Pilot handhelds, and later the WebOS-powered Pre, TCL is attempting to make a splash. TCL's deal follows Lenovo's much splashier acquisition of another storied mobile company, Motorola, as a way to break into more-developed markets like the US. Palm, however, has been an inactive brand while Motorola was still selling phones before the deal. Still, there may be some nostalgia factor left that could help with TCL's profile. "Palm has always carried a lot of affect and emotions," the company said in a statement. The company said it would provide more details and a timeline of the project at a later date. TCL acquired the name from Hewlett-Packard, which acquired Palm in 2010 with the grand vision of utilizing its WebOS mobile operating system across many products. HP ultimately mothballed its consumer mobile ambitions. TCL isn't likely to use WebOS. In 2013, LG purchased the WebOS platform, which now powers its smart televisions. TCL intends to use the Palm name for smartphones, but it's unclear how the company will juggle the Palm name with Alcatel OneTouch, which is making its own push to increase its visibility in the US. Source: http://www.cnet.com/news/palm-makes-a-comeback-tcl-to-recreate-the-brand/ So here is the question....what Palm gadgets will we see and what OS will they use? Will it be Open webOS, LuneOS, some form of open source webOS, Android? We'll have to wait and see, but for all you palm webOS fans and die hard webOS original adopters, this may bring back some nostalgia. I myself owned 2 pixis, a pre and pre2, and also still have my Touchpad!
  4. Amazon has the Palm Pre 2 16GB Verizon CDMA Phone with webOS 2.0 for $99 if anyone is looking for one. Amazon Product Page
  5. Its interesting to see the change in ownership of webOS along with the logo changes: Palm webOS HP webOS LG webOS Also Open webOS (opensource) Source: webOS on Wikipedia
  6. Support at least one of your existing smart phone handsets properly (eg a mid range model), build it and developers will come, allow it to share apps and communicate with TV's and other webOS devices wirelessly. Eg, share photo's, movies, music and application data.
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