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LG Store not working



Tv is connected to internet but when I run LG Store it won't open. After a while it shows network error (4). It was working few days ago, but it simply stopped. Firmware is latest and i'm not sure if it updated automatically but on the lg site firmware date is about when this problem occurred. Tv model is 42LB671v and firmware version is 40.30.16. Is there any way to downgrade to previous version or any other solution? Thanks

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Hey, I'm having the same issue with my LG LB650, none of the apps work, except for the Web browser. Internet connection is fine. Keep seeing 'network error 4'. Even tried a factory reset and the issue persists. I've upgraded the firmware to the latest version too.

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I'm having the same problem, I only just bought my TV yesterday so was panicking I had a shoddy model. I was able to update to the latest firmware this morning, though pretty much as soon as it updated I can't use any apps or check for new software updates. I should note, that on the Network tab it says 'connected to the internet' which is false, as I get Network Error(4) for everything.


Have called support, they're over-run and claim will call me back. Hopefully this gets resolved soon, as I was so excited to start using my new TV :(


Please let me know if you guys hear anything.

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Have to same problem on my 55UB850V after firmware upgrade yesterday to 04.30.18: Network error(4) on the LG store

But the web browser is working perfectly

This is so annoying: i can't even watch Netflix, because the app wants to connect to the LG store

Will LG refund me for these days I can't watch Netflix?

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TV 47LB6520 webos smart 3d

same issue from yesterday evening. cannot open any net content other than web browser. i did resetting to initial settings. but still the same issue. says network error (4). 


Did anyone find any solution. just brought this TV a week before. It was so annoying as this happened so soon for me as me and my friend brought the TV on same day. I brought LG and he took samsung 48inch 6400 and it works like charm with  all connectivity with flash plugins related apps and sites and a lot of apps than LG in middle east region. while LG webos does not support flash and have very less useful applications. may be with in 10.


Please update if any solution is there for LG store app.

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I am having the same issue.


i bought the tv 5 days ago, i had this issue with the lg store not opening, i upgraded the fw the other day and still have the same issue.

(with the new firmware i also got the netflix app, which as well is not opening)


country set to germany, tv  55lb640v za 


If someone have more info about this pls let me know.

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Same problem here.


32LB650V-ZN, Denmark.


Been like that for some time. Maybe it started with firmware 04.30.16?


Also "Account Management" in settings doesn't work. If available from the "Quick settings" pane (sometimes it is available here, sometimes it's not?) it just hangs at a black screen if I try opening it. If I try opening "Account Management" from the "General" pane, I'm just immediately thrown completely out of settings.

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I had a "polite" answer from LG Customer Care, something like "We are informed about the difficulty you are experiencing with accessing LG Application Store and adjacent applications and confirm that this will be rectified as soon as possible." and now is working again.

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mine seems to work as well; still i found it a very negative experience. Apps like 'Netflix' shoudn't be affected because the 'LG store' is not working properly.

An outage like this and you can take the 'smart' out of your smart-TV.

This will definitely influence my decisions when purchasing a new TV in the future (and not in a positive way).

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I just bought a LG730V-ZD TV. Firmware version: 04.30.16 webostv version:1.30.0-3216 I'm from Macedonia

The problem is that i can't use any of the apps on the TV other than the web browser. I cant enter the LG Store app. And i get this network error 4.

This is very frustrating as I bought the TV 2 days ago.

Anybody have solution to the problem?

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I have the LG55UB850V. A couple of days ago, I started to get intermittment problems accessing the LG store. Sometimes I can connect and sometimes I can't. Also, when I do manage to start viewing content on Netflix, after about 1 to 2 minutes of play, Netflix just crashes. I restart Netflix then in about 1 to 2 minutes the same thing happens. This is VERY frustrating. The problem is certainly not my internet connection as I can watch BBc iPlayer just fine and have recently started using the new Spotify app. So is the problem the Netflix app, the LG Web OS operating system or the LG store or a combination of these. Has LG commented on these issues.


Any advise would be appreciated.

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I've just purchased the LG 42LB650V today and was disappointed with response times from the LG Store


Basically I was unable to install any apps until around 8pm tonight the server started becoming less erratic then tonight  at around 10.30pm I was able to do updates and install new apps 


I'm almost certain it's not a firmware issue  - it appears to be an issue with traffic to the LG Store, they are just not able to cope with the demand from users at peak times.


Never got chance to ping the servers but I'll post back the ping response later on today, but most of today I had time outs virtually the entire time I tried to use the tv. 

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I have had LG's new oled tv 55ec930v for about a month now. It is very annoying that I can't use Netflix when LG Store is down for some reason. Also LG store is down more often than it is up! The connection to the stupid store just times out with some generic error message so you have to guess what's wrong. I know my connection is fine so it seems LG Store stability is severely lacking at the moment.

I think LG needs to compensate for my lost Netflix viewing time if they can't get their services running properly soon. Another Sunday today without Netflix it seems as I just have to look at LG Store timeout errors when trying to start Netflix..


EDIT: Finally LG Store worked and I managed to start Netflix. It seems the problem only occurs when there is an update for the Netflix client, then the client does not start but instead LG Store starts so that it can download the update. So when there is an update to an app, you can't start even the old version if LG Store is down.. Hopefully they fix this so that LG Store downtime does not prevent old version to start.

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I have just purchased a new 42LB63 and although it connects to the Internet via the browser it will not connect to the LG store.

I have changed the DNS as suggested by some people here, but this does not work.

Has anyone got a solution for this?

I receive Netwrok Error (3) everytime I try to connect.

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The main problem is LG Store remains down in many occasions. That's why it shows 'network error' &/or 'DNS prob' bla bla.

It automatically gets connected after few hours/days. I faced the problem several times.

So, be patient & its not the firmware. Or internet which was causing problem, its just the LG store server or high traffic.

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