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PreCentral: Nexus 7 dual-Touchstone mod concocted by none other than Rod Whitby

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Nexus 7 Touchstone mod courtesy of Rod Whitby

Over the years we've witnessed dear friend and webOS hacking guru

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of WebOS Internals fame perform all types of webOS hackery. From the infamous to while trying to find out what makes Touch to Share tick, Whitby has had his hand in projects most of us would never dare to go. One of his most recent passions has been to perform Touchstone mods on all manner of devices, but this time he has definitely topped even the coolest of Touchstone mods with his absurd Nexus 7 project. 

Using two Touchstone charging coils and two Touchstone dock pucks  - two - Whitby has successfully completed a project that will have you charging your Nexus 7 with the ease of wireless charging. Charging can be done via one or two Touchstone chargers but only using one will result in a slow trickle charge that would be fine for charging over night but not for much else. If you want a good normal charge you will need two phone Touchstone chargers working in tandem to get the job done. Granted this isn't the most ideal manner of wireless charging, but it's a start (and a damn cool one if we say so ourselves). In the future, Whitny plans on attempting a follow-up surgery making use of the larger and more powerful (not to mention tablet-intended) TouchPad Touchstone dock.

Is this something we would perform? Probably not. Whitby's put together some impressive documentation to guide any brace souls through the process, but it's a bit too intense for us (and likely all but the most daring hardware hackers). In the meantime, a round of applause to Mr. Rod Whitby for an impressive job well done and for keeping those of us that have been following this project's progress thoroughly entertained over the past few week.



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