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Bob McLean

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Bob McLean last won the day on October 13 2021

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  1. You may have to use an external power source as the USB doesn't always deliver enough power to the roku stick.
  2. Press the knurled button on your magic remote move the curser down and forward, pause and back logos appear at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Thanks Noel I've now been able to pause tv with your help. Regards Bob
  4. I have an oled 48 lg and cannot pause or rewind live tv . basically there aren't any buttons on the remote for this,I had a Panasonic before which worked fine with this external HDD.Will a universal remote control cure this?
  5. How do I pause live tv on lg oled tv,I have an external hdd but there isn't any button on the remote control to pause or rewind?
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