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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2022 in all areas

  1. I can stream ABC content using either the iView app on our LG G1 65" OLED, or via the iView Android TV app that is installed on a Chromecast with Google TV that is plugged into one of the G1 HDMI ports. If I stream content using the app on the TV, every few minutes there's a momentary (fraction of a second) interruption to both sound and video. If I stream the same content using the app on the Chromecast, I get no such interruptions. Both TV and Chromecast are using wired Ethernet connections to the same switch, so I can't see that these interruptions are due to a network problem, or I'd see them on both devices. It would seem to be a problem with the app provided on the TV. Other streaming services that we access via apps on the TV (Netflix, Stan, Amazon Prime, etc) do not show the same problem.
    1 point
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