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App Review: E Notes

Way back in 2009, the Palm Pre and webOS were still new to the world. Also new to the world was Evernote, who released an app built with the also new

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. It was a decent app, but it made to webOS and the Evernote system. So long as you had a webOS smartphone, though, it generally worked. At least, it did until last month, when Evernote made modifications to their API that killed the app for weeks until enough webOS users complained and Evernote brought it back. The change to the API also affected a fledgling app for webOS that brought Evernote to the TouchPad in : .

Put together by PetzApps, E Notes does require an Evernote account, but that’s not exactly a difficult thing to register and you can do it through the app if you don't already have one. Evernote will even give you a very unique and very long email address that allows you upload notes anytime, anywhere. We would advise you to save your new email in your contacts in your system. E Notes takes full advantage of webOS' Enyo app framework, utilizing a beautiful sliding pane system that aids in multitasking, making it a breeze to jump from one task to another. E Notes even has a notifications to keep you updated when a note, notebook, or tag on your account has been altered or has been added.



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