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Simplink (HDMI-CEC) and Apple TV works randomly



Have a LG TV 32LB650V which is updated to the latest firmware here in Sweden (05.05.01) and an Apple TV Gen4 (also updated to latest) connected to the HDMI ports. I used to use Simplink (HDMI-CEC) so that waking up the Apple TV would also wake up the TV. This worked well. Since some time ago, this does not always work. If I sleep the Apple TV, it shuts of the TV, but waking up the Apple TV wakes the TV maybe half of the times even though I follow the same procedure. Anyone experience the same thing or does your Simplink implementation works flawless every time?


What I've tried so far:

- Switching Simplink on and off

- Resetting the TV to factory default

- Switching HDMI inputs



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I asked LG Support regarding this and they simply said that they can't guarantee HDMI-CEC to work with other devices than those marked with "Simplink" which means only LG devices.


That being said, anyone else experience the same problem? Or maybe even have Apple TV Gen4 working properly all the time?

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Just to let everyone know. I now also have an 55UH950V and an AppleTV connected and that works much better with HDMI-CEC, that is, the TV is turned on whenever I start the AppleTV (4th Gen) with the Apple Remote. It has worked every time during the last month. However, the 32LB650V does only work 1 out of 10 times which is strange.

Any ideas?

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I have an LG 50uh5500. I also have an Apple TV gen4.

When I originally set everything up, Simplink worked properly...turning on the Apple TV turned on (and off)  the LG and selected the proper HDMI input. A few weeks later and it turns the TV on and off but doesn't select the input any more.

I checked the settings of both devices and all appears to be in order, just as I left them. The LG TV only has an on/off for Simplink, there's none of the extra settings shown in LG's documentation. The Apple TV has just an on/off for controlling the TV from the Siri remote but no setting fro input selection.

I also bought the cheapest LG BluRay player only to find out that the Simplink operation is manual...the BluRay rmeote has extra buttons to turn the TV on/off and set th einput. Why is it not automatic...especially since the TV and BluRay are both LG.  

The whole idea was to be able to use just one remote rather than multiple ones everytime I switched input devices. The LG TV doesn't even have buttons to select the input manually like my old TV did. This has me more than annoyed, for the amount all this equipoment cost it should work properly. I'm an electrical engineer myself and am amazed that manufacturers can ship products that claim to support an industry standard but don't test them enough to make sure they actually work.

This will be the last time I buy anything  from LG.

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I have 55eg9a7v with Apple TV 4k and CEC not working correctly. Sometimes not turn on TV, when I turn on Apple TV. Same problem (for me bigger), that when Apple go to sleep, or I turned it off, LG TV leave on. I must wait 20minutes to automaticaly TV turn off, but 20minutes I see stupid screensaver. I must say, that same problems was before with Apple TV 4 and Sony KDL 8xx. Sony have problem with own bluray too. It seems, that standard HDMI-CEC is standard only on paper, and each manufaturer only support own devices, but sometimes own devices not working too.  I dont know, which combination of TV and MMC to buy for 100% HDMI-CEC. I want only 2 funcions - turn ON TV after MMC is turned ON and Turn TV off, when MMC stop playing movie and is turned automaticaly off.

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I wish I had good news for you. It's been about seven months since I got my LG TV and the Simplink still works sporadically. Once Simplink is connected, the controls work perfectly for both Apple TV and the LG DVD player.  However the most important feature,  just powering the TV on/off when powering the peripheral on/off still doesn't always work.  LG has been zero help with this, even when the TV is used with their own DVD player.  

My next TV purchase will be from a dealer who can demonstrate all the devices working together properly before I pay for it.

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Thanks for answer, but as you wrote, for me is most important on/off functionality, primary off, because I play TV before I go to sleep and I need, that after that, Apple TV, TV and Receiver go to sleep too :)

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I tested this and have new information. It seems, that when I turn on aTV with SiriRemote and then turn off aTV with SiriRemote, or Remote.app, aTV sending correctly CEC command and TV turned off. But, when I turn on aTV with IrDa remote (I use Logitech Harmony) or from Remote.app on iPhone, so SiriRemote is not connected to aTV (is in sleep mode) and then I turn off aTV from Remote.app on iPhone, aTV not send CEC command to TV. It seems, that if SiriRemote is connected to aTV, it works, because when I turn on aTV from Remote.app or with IrDa remote and then connect SiriRemote (press something) and then turn off aTV from Remote.app, it turning TV off . But, when SiriRemote is not connected, it not work. What I dont know is, what is happend, when aTV go to sleep automaticaly without command from SiriRemote, or Remote.app. I will test it.

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It's been quite a long time I have similar problems with various LG TVs models and my Apple TVs. I might have found the cause of this issue. On my current LG TV, there is a QuickStart+ option, that is supposed to make the TV to wake up more quickly out of sleep mode (the truth is that it's pretty much the same time, just, with this option disabled, we can see the LG logo at start, and not with the QuickStart+ enabled). It seems this option disturbs the HDMI-CEC (well… the SIMPLINK implementation of it) wake up signal sent by teh Apple TV. When I disable QuickStart+, it seems to work better constantly. At least, since a few days. I also disabled the Mobile TV option (that is supposed to allow TV to be switched on through the network); not sure it has an impact, but, since it's also related to the problematic feature (on/off control), I prefer to let only SIMPLINK enabled.

Hope this helps, and hope it keeps working constantly… Fingers crossed

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Thanks for the tip, I will have a look in my TVs as well. Another thing I've noticed on one of my models is if I wake up the Apple TV with the Home button on the Apple TV Remote it seems like it also more reliable switches on the LG TV. I suspect this causes the TV to wake up, not from HDMI-CEC but rather that the Apple TV Remote actually sends a wake up IR signal that the TV reacts to.


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Good news (sort of) is after 3 years  the Simplink now works OK most of the time. Whatever was causing the TV to not turn off when powering down Apple TV or the DVD player has disappeared, most of the time. The Apple TV OS has been updated a few times since 2017, that may have helped but I can't be sure.

My Verizon set-top box is still the PITA because it doesn't support HDMI-CEC  so I have always change the input manually when watching cable after watching a DVD or Apple TV.  I still have FOUR remotes to deal with:  Verizon remote, Apple remote,  TV remote,  DVD  remote.  The only thing I use the TV remote for is changing the input!!! Whoever thinks this makes watching TV simpler needs their head examined.  😡


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