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Problems with installer Mac

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I have been trying to install the WebOS SDK to a MacBook Pro (OS 10.10.0) but it always stops at the installing process. Its just says "Copying "Resources" .../java.1" There it just stops and doesn't go any further.

I have tried to have the computer on all night but with no success.

So i really hope there is someone there that can help me with this problem.


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More information:

Here is the exception that i get every time that i try and install the WebOS SDK


Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.NullPointerException

at com.lge.sdk.ngtv.installer.controller.Controller.shortcutURLMac(Unknown Source)

at com.lge.sdk.ngtv.installer.controller.Controller.createShortcutsMAC(Unknown Source)

at com.lge.sdk.ngtv.installer.controller.Controller.shortcutsAllPlatforms(Unknown Source)

at com.lge.sdk.ngtv.installer.controller.Controller.performPostInstallationTasks(Unknown Source)

at com.lge.sdk.ngtv.installer.controller.Controller.installComponents(Unknown Source)

at com.lge.sdk.ngtv.installer.installerscreen.InstallationProgressPageLatest$2.run(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

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