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  1. Hi Dejan. Do the new downgrade tool work around the block that LG has on the newer tv's? (Error message : Update failed because SW version is lower than TV SW version.)
  2. No sorry. Have done alot of research but no luck yet. Maybe some smart individual will figure it out at some point.
  3. I am currently on 03.60.09 and not happy with the changes they did to the HDR Game Mode (too dark). That's why I want to downgrade to 03.51.20 Where did you get your software file from? Are you sure it's a EU version? Let me know if you find a way to downgrade the software.
  4. I get the same message. According to forums and people around it is a block on 2017 oled that prevents you from installing older firmware. Has anyone here successfully downgraded a 2017 oled?
  5. Thank you for the reply George. Yes it's definitely not easy getting a link to the file. i think you have to have access to the websites I mentioned. The creator of LGDTVUPDATER has access to all of these old files and info, but I don't know how to get in touch with him. I got a firmware version from LG Spain, which should work on all EU tv sets, but it still doesnt work. After reading a lot on forums, it seems all the 2017 OLED has a built in block that won't let you install a older firmware version. Does anyone here have successfully downgraded a 2017 OLED tv?
  6. I am trying to downgrade my C7 using the LGDTVUPDATER method and it works very well but I need the 03.51.20 firmware info/file for EU. The program has the AU (Australia) version but not EU. Does anyone have 03.51.20 firmware file or link for EU version? OLED55C7V Or does anyone have access to http://snu.lge.com or http://su.lge.com and give me the link and REQ ID to the above firmware version? I am currently on 03.60.09 but I am hating how much dimmer the HDR Game Mode is with this update.
  7. Does anyone have 03.51.20 firmware file or link for EU version? OLED55C7V Or does anyone have access to http://snu.lge.com or http://su.lge.com and give me the link and REQ ID to the above firmware version? Info I need from lge site (this is the AU version of 03.51.20) : <REQ_ID>00000000012406564924 <IMAGE_URL>http://snu.lge.com/SWDownload.laf</IMAGE_URL> <IMAGE_SIZE>808487936</IMAGE_SIZE> <IMAGE_NAME>starfish-dvb-secured-m16p-412.dixie.m16p-41242-03.51.20-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk</IMAGE_NAME><UPDATE_MAJOR_VER>03</UPDATE_MAJOR_VER><UPDATE_MINOR_VER>51.20</UPDATE_MINOR_VER><FORCE_FLAG>Y</FORCE_FLAG> <KE></KE> <GMT>28 Mar 2017 11:22:32 GMT</GMT><ECO_INFO>01</ECO_INFO> <CDN_URL>http://su.lge.com:80/GlobalSWDownloadCdn.laf?IMG=/201703/starfish-dvb-secured-m16p-412.dixie.m16p-41242-03.51.20-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk</CDN_URL>
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