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Building an Inclusive World with Tech

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A long-standing commitment to bettering people’s lives – regardless of their age, understanding of technology or any physical challenges they may face – serves as the foundation for LG’s consumer innovations. LG continues to work hard to maximize the usability of its advanced home appliances, consulting with diverse users and leveraging its tech and design knowhow to ensure that all of its solutions are as accessible as possible.


Global Accessibility Awareness Day, which is held every year on the third Thursday of May, is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the importance of ‘inclusive technology’ and the positive difference it can make in the lives of people with disabilities and impairments. As May 19 approaches, let’s take a look at some of the innovative ways that LG is fostering greater accessibility and allowing all consumers, no matter their circumstances, to experience the full convenience and value of its cutting-edge products.

Home Entertainment for Everyone


LG believes that everyone should be able to enjoy first-class home entertainment and has developed assistive technologies to lower any barriers that may get in the way. The company’s diverse lineup of TVs now carries a variety of accessibility features, including audio guides for those with visual impairments and closed-captioning for those with hearing impairments, as well as simplified control (including voice command support) via the Magic Remote to make the whole experience easier – from adjusting the volume to accessing content services.

Removing Barriers from Household Chores


While some LG solutions offer customized assistance for users with certain disadvantages, others offer elevated convenience that can benefit everyone. One such product is the LG SideKick™ Pedestal Washer, a mini-washing machine designed to sit discretely below an LG front-load washer. The SideKick is ideal for small loads that need frequent washing, such as workout gear, and makes it possible to clean two loads of laundry at once. And because it raises the height of the main washer, it makes the task of loading and unloading laundry from the front-loader less taxing for most users.

Diverse Voices Guiding Way to ‘Barrier-Free’ Solutions


To develop home appliances that are accessible to the widest range of users, LG proactively seeks input from its customers and consults with experts in the field of disability inclusion. Since 2013, LGE US has been operating the LG Accessibility Advisory Board, which is made up of accessibility specialists, disability organizations and law firms. Through annual meetings and in-depth discussions, the council is helping LG to create barrier-free solutions that will enable more people to take advantage of all that its latest tech has to offer.


At the same time, in South Korea, LG last year established an accessibility council consisting of accessibility experts and advisory group of disabled people. LG and the council’s experts are working together to formulate a measurement standard that will evaluate the accessibility of the company’s home appliances. The accessibility indicator will initially be used to assess the accessibility of LG TVs, washers, air conditioners and air purifiers, with other product categories to follow soon afterward. The advisory group of disabled people will actively join the creation of the measurement standard by directly experiencing and giving feedback on LG products under development.

With its comprehensive, considered approach to addressing the needs of all users, LG is helping to bring greater inclusivity to the consumer tech space, presenting thoughtful innovations that make daily life easier for everyone.

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      Global and Generational Commitment to the Environment
      Beyond delivering technological advancements for the home, LG is very much involved in land and ecosystem restoration projects. These include tree-planting campaigns in many countries, including Indonesia and Spain. In 2023, celebrated its 32nd anniversary by partnering with Jakarta’s Natural Resources Conservation to plant 32,000 trees across Jakarta, Kalimantan and Sumatra. Launched in Spain in 2017, LG Spain’s Smart Green project aims to plant 47 million trees across the country, bringing the beauty of nature back into cities such as Madrid and Malaga. 

      The reduction of food waste also plays a crucial role in supporting land restoration efforts, as it helps to conserve resources and reduce the pressure on landfills. Last month, to underscore the environmental impact of food production and disposal, LG Indonesia partnered with the National Food Agency and Prasetiya Mulya University to distribute 3,000 no-waste bulgogi lunchboxes in Jakarta and Tangerang. Aimed at addressing the issue of severe food waste in Indonesia, where over 23 million tons of food are thrown away annually, the partnership has highlighted LG’s commitment to alleviating hunger and accelerating the implementation of effective waste-reduction strategies. 

      Product Encouraging Responsible Food Practices and Reducing Waste
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      Through its products, practices and proactive initiatives, LG will continue to promote the efficient and responsible use of resources, striving constantly to realize its inspiring vision for a Better Life for All. 
      Stay tuned to for more on LG’s environmental initiatives.  
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      2 According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) – Annual Energy Outlook, residential energy use by home appliances such as washers, dryers, and refrigerators accounts for 12 percent of the total residential energy use. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) accounts for 57 percent of total energy use at home, with space heating at 32 percent, water heating at 14 percent, and space cooling at 11 percent.
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    • By News Reporter
      With an unwavering policy of open innovation with startups around the world, LG has been fostering businesses outside its own to better prepare for the future. These big-picture efforts are centered on LG NOVA, the company’s North American Innovation Center in California’s Silicon Valley – known worldwide as the hub of startups.
      Established in 2021, LG NOVA aspires to form a collaborative ecosystem that accelerates the growth of new ideas by working closely with startups on new businesses that can enhance LG’s future readiness.
      LG NOVA aligns with LG CEO William Cho’s growth strategy of 3B – Build, Buy and Borrow – to strengthen the company’s future growth engine by embracing talent and technology through exchanges with various innovative companies.
      Let’s look at how this essential innovation center works with its partners to bring about groundbreaking advancements. Furthermore, we’ll explore how it is establishing a community dedicated to creating and nuturing businesses that contribute positively to the future of our world.

      Discovering Global Startups to Break New Ground in Healthcare
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      In its first three years, LG NOVA received over 4,000 submissions from innovative global startups, with more than 100 companies selected to explore joint business opportunities with LG.
      This year is an especially important one, as this month, LG NOVA unveiled its first new venture, “Primefocus Health,” with Darren Sabo, previously head of commercialization of new health ventures at LG NOVA, at the helm as the CEO. Sabo has a wealth of experience in new business development, making him the perfect candidate to take this digital health venture forward.
      (From left to right) Darren Sabo, CEO of Primefocus Health, and Sokwoo Rhee, Head of LG NOVA and SVP of Innovation for LG Electronics
      Primefocus Health is committed to easing the journey from hospital to home for patients. It leverages cutting-edge technologies and novel healthcare treatments through a platform designed to offer patients access to a personalized care plan. This plan, curated by their healthcare provider, aids in the recovery from chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
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      LG NOVA is collaborating with more healthcare startups through the Mission for the Future program, including
      link hidden, please login to view, which integrates immersive VR/AR technology to provide comprehensive therapeutic care for remote medical treatment, and , a sensor-based technology platform that utilizes the cameras in personal devices to virtually capture health readings to enhance diagnosis and treatment effectiveness.
      Another example that demonstrates LG NOVA’s focus on digital health is , a virtual care platform to treat polychronic mental and physical illness that was selected during the 2021 Mission for the Future challenge. This solution leverages AI to harness clinical, genetic, gut microbiome, food and behavioral signals to target the root cause of illness.
      LG NOVA plans to continuously launch new businesses through ventures in LG’s future growth areas including digital health, clean tech and AI.
      Promoting Symbiotic Growth in West Virginia
      This year, LG NOVA is joining hands with West Virginia to revitalize the local economy by fostering future businesses while bringing instances of win-win cooperations to this U.S. state and the dynamic Appalachian region.

      The announcement introduced the NOVA West Virginia Investment Fund, which aims to drive USD 700 million into the region over five years through investment.
      The decision to invest in West Virginia, which is over 2,000 miles away from LG NOVA in Silicon Valley, stems from the REINVENT LG initiative. Under the leadership of CEO Cho, LG has been carrying out various initiatives to redefine everything from its business structure and brand to the way it works. What makes West Virginia the perfect partner is its similar desire to reinvent itself to revitalize the local economy.
      Primefocus Health also plans to work closely in the Mountain State.
      Increasing Funds to Foster Potential Startups
      LG NOVA is also significantly expanding the scale of its investment and speeding up its investments for the future. In 2023, it signed an agreement with Clearbrook, a global venture investment company, to expand the global startup development fund – NOVA Prime Fund.
      Through collaborating with external experts to identify the latest technology trends, discover more innovative companies and offer comprehensive support, the company hopes to accelerate the growth of startups and discover opportunities for collaborations across various business areas.
      A Talent Acquisition Outpost that Competes with Big Tech
      LG NOVA also serves as an outpost to secure the best talent in Silicon Valley, an area dominated by big tech companies. By accurately reading future industrial trends and executing effectively, LG NOVA will be able to move one step ahead of the competition. At the same time, their challenging and brave attitude toward innovation will give a boost to the overall organizational culture.
      Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, head of LG NOVA, is the perfect example of this. After founding an IoT startup, Rhee went on to serve in the U.S. government, as assistant director for Cyber-Physical Systems at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology and Presidential Innovation Fellow at the White House.
      (From left to right) Joshua Di Frances, the leader of LG NOVA’s incubation office, and Darren Sabo, CEO of Primefocus Health
      Joshua Di Frances, the leader of LG NOVA’s incubation office, is another key executive with experience across various areas including medicine, business and the public sector. Di Frances studied neuroscience at Boston University, an MBA from MIT and built an impressive career at CVS Health and the White House. Since joining LG NOVA in 2021, he is working to build new businesses in digital health, cleantech and immersive/AI future technology with his team of entrepreneurs-in-residence.

      And, with the recent global boom in startups among AI engineering students, LG NOVA has been hosting the ‘Innovation Festival’ every fall to provide a space where innovative companies and investors can exchange information and expand.
      LG NOVA will continue to seek out innovation from outside LG. To learn more about LG NOVA and its efforts to build, nurture and grow future-defining innovations, visit .
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    • By News Reporter
      In the first episode of the ‘Customers at Heart’ series, we take a closer look at how HiTeleservice – LG’s dedicated customer service subsidiary – is enhancing the customer experience through improved customer service around the world.
      In the cutthroat world of business, having a great product isn’t enough. Companies need to excel in distribution, marketing and innovation to stay ahead. But even with all that, poor customer service can destroy a brand’s reputation and the loyalty it took years to build.

      LG knows this well and is stepping up its game in customer service on a global scale. The goal is to create a standout customer experience by applying its proven customer care expertise from home to abroad.

      This year marks the start of a new chapter, with HiTeleservice – LG’s customer service arm – setting up a robust support system to help boost the performance of LG’s service centers worldwide. HiTeleservice’s expert Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) will take the lead, sharing their knowledge and skills in customer service practices, talent development and operational strategies internationally.
      The plan is to iron out any differences in service quality that come from cultural and operational variances, aiming for consistently high service standards everywhere LG operates. With Customer Care Centers in over 40 countries, supporting more than 50 languages, LG is serious about providing top-notch support, whether online or offline.

      HiTeleservice is now ready to roll out significant support after a thorough review of LG’s global customer service operations. The first step is to upgrade the skills of global CSRs with best practices in customer service, focusing on problem-solving from the customer’s viewpoint. They’ll also get access to English training materials from LG’s learning platform.
      But it’s not just about a one-off training session. LG is building a system for ongoing CSR talent development and providing advice for running an efficient organization. This long-term strategy is all about keeping service standards high through continuous improvement.
      Moreover, HiTeleservice will offer comprehensive training programs to its own CSRs, including language skills for better global communication and specialized training to hone their core competencies. The aim is to develop customer service pros capable of providing expert advice whenever and wherever they’re called for assistance overseas.
      In accordance with its recent reinterpretation of AI as Affectionate Intelligence, LG believes that AI can be harnessed to foster more compassionate and understanding customer experiences. Consequently, the company is progressively incorporating AI into its customer service operations.
      One such AI innovation is ‘Smile Plus,’ a customer service call system that uses AI to boost the speed and precision of CSR responses. It offers CSRs a comprehensive view of various customer data, including purchase, delivery, installation and service histories from all touchpoints, such as the website, LG ThinQ app and service call records.
      Additionally, LG has devised and implemented an AI-driven feature, ‘STT/TA (Speech-to-Text/Text Analysis),’ which transcribes customers’ verbal expressions into text in real-time, eliminating superfluous tasks and averting miscommunication. STT/TA is also capable of understanding the context of the service call and proposing optimal solutions. Furthermore, LG intends to launch its ‘AI Voicebot,’ an autonomous service call solution presently in the development phase, within the year. This service is designed to handle straightforward inquiries during peak service call times or when calls are experiencing delays.

      LG’s dedication to customer service goes beyond the Customer Care Center. It includes sales and repairs, spreading its high service standards across the globe. This involves sending experts to train staff on-site in other countries and hosting group training sessions for overseas personnel. Since 2011, LG has been sharing its successful Korean sales strategies with teams in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and Southeast Asia.
      In essence, LG is not just selling products; it’s delivering an experience. And with this new initiative, it’s committed to offering each customer, regardless of their location, an unparalleled level of service.
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