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For global companies like LG Electronics which operates in more than 100 locations worldwide, it is crucial that they participate in initiatives to promote mutual growth with local communities and have a robust strategy in place to demonstrate socially responsible behavior. And under an overarching vision that sees various aspects of society working together to achieve a better life for all, LG is committed to social contribution activities that deliver sustainable growth to local communities.


LG has three main goals: to help solve social problems through its products and technologies, establish a foundation for growth and ensure the independence of stakeholders through trusted partnerships, and encourage employee volunteering to promote a sharing culture. Let’s look at some of LG’s global social contribution activities aiming to bolster vulnerable communities while nurturing talents and promoting innovative technologies that care.

Global LG Ambassador Challenge
The LG Electronics Ambassador Program is an annual social initiative founded in Bangladesh in 2017 which was expanded regionally last year. Individuals and organizations are invited to submit solution ideas for local issues and, with help from local NGOs, the best ideas are awarded LG Ambassador status and provided with grants and donations to implement their work even further.


In the capital city of Nairobi, Kenya, one winning project focused on supporting needy students at Kilimani Primary School, an integrated primary school with a unit that caters for visually impaired students. LG donated 10 braille machines to the school, enabling more students to read and enhancing their learning experience.


Another winning project focused on empowering young women to break the poverty cycle. Based in rural Kajiado County in Kenya, Beula Girls Empowerment reaches out to vulnerable girls across the region to give them a new chance in life through mentorships, education programs and training workshops to develop trade skills. LG is supporting this valuable cause by donating various essentials, such as tents, chairs, audio systems and projectors.


Last but not least, offering various activities, including soccer training, competitions and community work, to keep at-risk youth engaged, the Limuru Soccer Academy was selected as the third winning project in Kenya. LG donated a van to help the academy drive kids to and from activities as well as generate income when not in use at the academy, through integration into the public transport system. The remainder of the monetary aid went towards purchasing sports equipment and football kits.



As a part of LG’s youth support program and in collaboration with the local Ethiopian government, the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and several NGOs, LG established the LG-KOICA HOPE TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) College in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.


Since 2014, the program has provided young, eager Ethiopians with vocational training to teach them how to repair electronics and home appliances as well as information and communication technologies. This year, the initiative produced 57 bright graduates with some receiving internships and full-time jobs at LG’s Dubai service center.

LG Inverter Class in Bangladesh


In Bangladesh, youth unemployment has been rising for years, reaching a high of 11.9 percent in 2019.* To help address this issue, LG partnered with KOICA and Bangladesh’s BMET (Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training) to establish LG Inverter Class, a job training program held at the Korea-Bangladesh Vocational Training Center in the city of Dhaka.


Due to Bangladesh’s high temperatures and humid climate, air conditioners and related services are always in high demand. With this in mind, the educational course was created to train 40 highly motivated locals each year on repairing and servicing LG’s air solution products based on a comprehensive curriculum and textbooks developed directly by LG as well as work experiences interning at service centers in Bangladesh.

These are just some of the ESG activities that LG is engaged in needy communities to ensure a better life.

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* Tackling the COVID-19 youth employment crisis in Asia and the Pacific: International Labour Organization, Bangkok (Thailand), and Asian Development Bank, Manila (Philippines), 2020

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      ‘Optimism your feed’ Playlist Curated by Global Influencers Will Enable Users
      to Engage With Optimistic and Inspiring Content on Their Social Media Feeds

      SEOUL, May 29, 2024 — LG Electronics (LG) today launched a global campaign called ‘Optimism your feed,’ which aims to help users bring more optimism to their social media experience by inviting them to proactively engage with positive and inspiring content on their feeds.
      “As a customer-focused brand, LG is a passionate champion of optimism. We aim to create positive changes in people’s lives by being intentional with our positive activities both online and in the real world,” said Kim Hyo-eun, vice president and head of LG’s Brand Management Division. “In the AI era, LG remains committed to our unwavering promise of ‘Life’s Good.’ We will continue to enhance our customers’ lives with a human-centric approach, fostering hope for a better future.”
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      link hidden, please login to view also suggest that algorithms often promote negative and niche conversations. The global survey sought to understand the triggers that affect how algorithms work and how to increase your feed’s positive content. The result is the ‘Optimism your feed’ playlist of original content that, when interacted with, will pull more optimistic content into your feed.* ‘Optimism your feed’ is part of LG’s global , introduced last year to inspire and encourage people to approach life with an optimistic attitude.
      Created in collaboration with global influencers renowned for their optimistic influences including , , and more, the ‘Optimism your feed’ playlist includes over 20 short-form videos ranging from motivation to feel-good content.
      Additionally, LG is consulting with social media experts including Professor , an information scientist and technology ethicist, with a PhD in Human Centered Computing. Fiesler researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet policy and online communities, and has published on topics such as social media content moderation and recommender systems. She also educates the public on these topics as a content creator.
      Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and algorithms play a significant role in the content that we see in these spaces. LG’s global playlist and campaign gives users the opportunity to see more positive and uplifting posts. By being more conscious about what we choose to engage with, we can bring stronger optimism, balance and happiness to our lives.
      According to Fiesler, “Recommendation algorithms determine what we see on social media by predicting what content we are likely to engage with. These algorithms can therefore send us down ever more specific niches – for good and for bad. Research has shown that left unchecked, users can go down negative rabbit holes and encounter harmful content quite quickly. One of our first lines of defense needs to be improving our digital literacy, and paying more attention to how algorithms influence our online experiences. And the good news is that we do have some control over the input for these algorithmic predictions; if we choose to engage with optimistic content, there’s a good possibility we will see more of it.”
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      * According to a global survey conducted by Dynata on behalf of LG in 2024.
      Survey Methodology
      Timings: Fieldwork conducted from April 26 to May 2, 2024
      Countries: USA, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, South Korea, India, Australia
      Age: People between 22 and 65 years old and weekly TikTok or Instagram users
      Sample Size: 400 respondents in the USA, 200 respondents in the rest of the markets
      Method: Quantitative questionnaire online survey through Dynata’s proprietary panel

    • By News Reporter
      AI as Key Driver for Future Growth and Customer Experience Innovation

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      AI as a Crucial Catalyst for Future Growth and Customer Experience Innovation
      Throughout his trip, Cho aims to secure top-notch expertise in the AI field, an area that has recently surfaced as a critical turning point in the industry. He plans to leverage this as a springboard for transforming LG’s future business portfolio and revolutionizing the customer experience.
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      “AI, Cloud, and Big Data are new opportunities for LG”
      Cho commenced his itinerary by hosting a tech conference in North America on the 11th in Cupertino, California. This program is aimed at drawing in top-notch talent from abroad. Key participants included LG’s AI Lab management team and executives from LG’s various businesses including Park Hyoung-sei, president of the LG Home Entertainment Company; Eun Seok-hyun, president of LG Vehicle component Solutions Company; Dr. Kim Byoung-hoon, CTO and executive vice president; Kim Weon-bum, CHO and executive vice president; and Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, head of LG’s North America Innovation Center.
      LG extended invitations to about 50 AI experts currently working in large tech firms and startups in the Bay Area, as well as doctoral researchers from renowned universities in North America. The conference focused on discussions about the company’s vision, R&D strategy and the future trajectory of AI technology development.
      Cho expressed, “In the face of transformative shifts such as electrification, servitization and digitalization sweeping across diverse industries, the application of AI, cloud and big data is paving the way for novel approaches and opportunities.” He further elaborated, “These emerging opportunities represent a new potential frontier for us, given our extensive accumulation of core technologies and expertise.”
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      In particular, Cho plans to highlight how LG is proactively engaging in the development and application of AI in its business operations. He aims to stress that creating tangible customer touchpoints is more crucial than merely having superior AI to provide authentic value and experience to customers.
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    • By News Reporter
      With a 360-degree Rotatable Handle and Auto Screen Adjustment Feature, the Latest
      CineBeam Model Delivers High-quality Content Consumption Anytime, Anywhere

      SEOUL, Mar. 15, 2023 — LG Electronics (LG) is set for the global launch of the LG CineBeam Q (model HU710PB). The LG CineBeam Q will be available for pre-orders from March 18 with exclusive benefits.1 The global release will begin in South Korea this month and will roll out in other markets, including US, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, France, UK, several countries in Asia and the Gulf region from April. Furthermore, the innovative projector aims for further expansion into additional countries.
      Unveiled at CES 2024, the LG CineBeam Q projector is designed to complement users’ lifestyles, offering maximum portability with its compact design featuring a 360-degree rotatable handle. Intended for seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor settings, the CineBeam Q caters to users seeking elevated entertainment experiences free from constraints of location.2
      The LG CineBeam Q provides flexibility for effortless content consumption anytime, anywhere.2 Whether used as an educational aid for families or a movie screen for social gatherings, the versatile lifestyle companion integrates into any room or outdoor area. When not in use, the CineBeam Q projector acts as a chic interior accessory, complementing any space with its minimal design. Additionally, users can activate the Light Drawing function to enhance the ambiance of a space with captivating digital images. This image-mapping feature projects images onto the wall, elevating the room with tranquil mood lighting.
      Extending beyond its portable design, the CineBeam Q refuses to compromise outstanding picture quality, projecting stunning 4K UHD resolution images up to 120 inches and delivering vibrant, vivid pictures with a remarkable 450,000:1 contrast ratio and 154 percent coverage (overall) of the DCI-P3 color gamut.
      The CineBeam Q projector boasts versatile and convenient features that effectively solve portability issues associated with conventional projectors, which can be a hassle to set up and move around. Equipped with Auto Screen Adjustment, the auto-focus feature optimizes image placement and size, creating an immersive viewing experience in any space, while eliminating the inconvenience of the setup process.3 Further enhanced by the latest version of the intuitive LG webOS platform, viewers can watch all their favorite shows with seamless access4 to popular streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video and YouTube.5 Additionally, it allows users to effortlessly share content from their smart devices via AirPlay 2 and Miracast.6
      “The LG CineBeam Q stands out as a truly unique projector, not only for its exceptional picture quality and impressive visuals but also for its ability to seamlessly blend into any home environment as a stunning art piece,” said YS Lee, vice president and head of the IT business unit of LG Business Solutions Company. “Content lovers will be delighted by the portability of the projector lineup, which delivers unparalleled cinematic viewing experiences anytime, anywhere.”
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      1 Benefits for pre-order purchase may vary by country.
      2 The projector operates solely through external power sources and does not feature a built-in battery. It necessitates connection to a power cord or external battery. Also, the model requires space suitable for projection such as walls, ceilings and similar surfaces.
      3 If the distance from the screen exceeds 2 meters or the angle of placement is over 25 degrees, the auto screen adjustment may not work properly.
      4 Available when the device is connected to Internet or Wi-Fi network.
      5 Many streaming apps available on webOS require a paid subscription. Support for specific streaming apps may vary by country. Users are required to have an account for the streaming services.
      6 Available when the device is connected to Internet or Wi-Fi network.

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    • By News Reporter
      Features Seamless Integration With LG StanbyME Screens’ UX/UI and Sound System
      to Enhance Home Entertainment or Works Effectively as a Highly Portable Speaker

      SEOUL, Mar. 8, 2024 — LG Electronics (LG) announces the global launch of the LG StanbyME Speaker (model XT7S), the company’s latest portable speaker which works in harmony with an LG StanbyME lifestyle screen or as a standalone speaker that can be taken anywhere.
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      Engineered to offer the complete entertainment experience when combined with a StanbyME screen, this speaker features seamless, intuitive pairing and control through the remote control that comes with the StanbyME screen. This allows users to effortlessly toggle their speaker and screen on and off with a single press, while also seamlessly connecting them via Bluetooth. LG StanbyME also boasts a dedicated widget with convenient one-stop control center and an overview of the speaker’s status.
      To further elevate audio-visual pleasure through audio quality, LG StanbyME Speaker’s WOW Orchestra feature combines it with the StanbyME screen’s built-in audio system, creating a unified audio setup and delivering an outstanding sound experience. What’s more, LG StanbyME’s α (Alpha) 7 Gen 6 AI processor optimizes sound by content type, while the 20-millimeter dual tweeters on the StanbyME speaker deliver clear, highly detailed high frequency stereo sound. The dual passive radiator on this speaker also creates deeper, more compelling bass.
      Offering multifaceted versatility, the all-new StanbyME speaker can seamlessly complement the StanbyME screen or be used as a standalone speaker anywhere, providing users with the remarkable level of flexibility that serves all their sound entertainment needs. Thanks to a dedicated cradle, the speaker attaches to LG StanbyME effortlessly, allowing users to place it in the perfect position for enhanced sound.
      Moreover, with an IPX5 rating and up to 16 hours of playback, this portable speaker ensures consistent audio performance everywhere they go. With its compact and lightweight body (78-millimeter height, 326-millimeter width, 87-millimeter depth and 0.9 kilograms), LG StanbyME Speaker can be carried from one place to another with ease, while its ‘edge lighting’ feature offers eye-pleasing lighting effects that add a subtle yet visually captivating element to lift the mood and atmosphere of any setting or occasion.
      LG StanbyME Speaker is currently available from LG.com website in Korea and the U.S. and is scheduled to roll out in other major markets worldwide.
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    • By News Reporter
      In the ever-evolving world of home entertainment, LG stands as an undeniable leader for its groundbreaking contributions to the global TV market. Dominating the global OLED TV market for 11 consecutive years, the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence shines brighter than ever, with differentiated consumer experiences that distinguish LG TVs from the rest.

      According to market research firm Omdia, LG topped the global OLED market last year with shipments totaling 3 million OLED TV units. Boasting an impressive 53 percent share of the global OLED TV market based on shipment, LG has firmly held its premier spot as the undisputed leader of the OLED TV market with an array of form factors and size options.
      In an era of “the bigger, the better,” the desire for extra-large, premium TVs continues to rise and last year was no different. Amidst increasing demand, the share of TVs sized 75 inches and above exceeded 20 percent based on revenue in premium TV markets, including North America and Europe.

      The shipments of OLED TVs sized 75 inches and above have seen explosive growth, surpassing 25 percent based on revenue in the entire OLED TV market. With an ultra-large model accounting for one out of every four OLED TVs sold, the trend has approached an annual average increase of nearly 70 percent over the last five years, including last year.
      LG reaffirms its market dominance with a monumental share approaching 60 percent in total shipments of OLED TVs over 75 inches. LG is actively broadening its lineup of wireless OLED TVs, introducing 97-inch, 83-inch and 77-inch models with its groundbreaking 4K/120Hz wireless transmission solution, extending the availability of wireless OLED TVs while meeting the growing demand for ultra-large premium options in the North American and European markets.

      As the demand for premium ultra-large TVs continues to soar, LG is bolstering its OLED TV lineup with an expanded range of wireless OLED TV models as well as elevated picture and audio quality with advanced AI processors, including the α (Alpha) 11 AI processor. LG’s latest OLED TVs will also offer an even more personalized home entertainment experience with the webOS smart TV platform.
      The combined shipments of LG’s OLED and LCD TVs last year totaled over 22.53 million units, marking a 16.3 percent share in the global TV market in 2023 based on revenue. With further options that demonstrate the company’s prowess in the global TV market, LG QNED TVs boast LG’s Quantum Dot and NanoCell color technologies for precise and vibrant colors. Driven by these remarkable QNED models, LG ranked second in the quantum dot LCD TV market last year with a 14.7 percent revenue share, excluding LG NanoCell TVs from this figure.

      The latest LG QNED TVs feature Mini LED technology and an Alpha 8 AI Processor which boasts a 1.3-fold increase in AI performance compared to its predecessor, the Alpha 7 Gen 6 processor, for more precise gradations of color. With a diverse lineup, customers can select their preferred model with sizes ranging from 43 inches to the massive 98-inch model.
      The global TV market’s shipments exceeded 201 million last year overall, a slight decrease compared to the previous year. LCD TV shipments remained below 200 million units for the second consecutive year, while OLED TV shipments, including LG’s, reached 5.6 million units.
      Discover the most recent updates in the home entertainment industry and explore LG’s cutting-edge innovations by visiting the
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