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[pivotCE] Public FTP for webOS App Rescue Effort Available Now, Torrent Soon

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By now you’ve likely read about the

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apps we’ve managed to put together. The files are on my Box account and the link was shared A LOT. This was great but had its flaws. For instance, you can’t download the entire thing. It’s a limitation from Box. That problem has been solved as there is now a public ftp! We told you it was coming.

A public ftp solution is coming for the 6000+ app rescue effort. More details soon!

— pivotCE (@pivotCE)

In February, I received a private message on the webOS Nation forums from user, tylla.

Hi Alan,

I’m writing to you about the marvelous webOS apps collection that you posted on the forum/box.com.
We are a small web IT/hosting company, but as two of us (out of total three – yes, that small smile.gif?w=800) are using webOS phones, we would like to help you with the hosting of those files.
So I am asking you, is it OK if we provide you with some FTP space? Our server is located in Hungary, and the international bandwidth isn’t the best one, but this would have the benefit, that all those people who want to download all the apps, would have the chance without thousand clicks.

Without hesitation I contacted them and started working on the upload and they started working on the solution to make it available.

FTP info

Browse to to see all of the files. You can also point your favorite FTP client to:

site: webosftp.qualitis.hu
username: preanon

There is bandwidth limit on it, >2Mbit, and max concurrent user count is 12.

Speed concerns

The server is in Hungary so folks across the pond might notice some slow downloads. Do you have a public FTP in the US you’d be willing to establish as a mirror? !

My plea

Considering the bandwidth and max user limitation above, if you don’t need ALL of the apps, don’t select all and download them. There’s no need to be a bandwidth hog. Get what you want as many times a day as you want just be considerate. Thanks!

Box account

Since I was using my personal Box account for hosting up to this point, I’ll be removing access to it publicly. Sorry! I’m sure you understand.

Torrent coming soon

Tylla and I are also working on a solution for a torrent file. The only issue is getting the updated torrent out to folks who are rehosting the files. We’re working on that plan too but it’ll likely be a naming convention and updates via here and to get the word out about the change.

For your help

Thanks a ton for everyone’s help getting these apps saved. Remember, we’re still looking for all of those used-to-be-paid apps that are no longer available. We already have some of the more popular ones (Gameloft, EA, etc). Take a look at the ftp and compare with what you have already installed.

If you have apps that the share doesn’t, copy your /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications folder to /media/internal using Internalz Pro, connect your device to a computer via USB mode, and drag the applications folder over and contact me. I’ll make sure they get turned back into an .ipk and uploaded to the FTP.

Happy downloading!


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