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PreCentral: Preware Enyo alpha hits Preware feeds

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Preware Enyo alpha hits Preware feeds

The long-awaited

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is here, at least in an alpha form. Version 2.0.1 of Preware has landed in the WebOS Internals feed alpha feed in Preware, offering an Alpha look of how Preware will look and operate as an Enyo app. The old Mojo-based version of Preware launched more than three years ago and despite numerous upgrades never moved away from that legacy codebase. With Open webOS no longer support the old Mojo framework, the time was now to rebuild Preware with Enyo.

Right now the Preware 2.0.1 alpha works in the most basic of senses. , the alpha currently supports the installation, updating, removal, and launching of apps, patches, themes, everything else Preware has traditionally supported and not much more. Being an alpha, it's still in need of testing, so if you're trying out the Enyo Preware you're encouraged to share any bugs you encounter with the .

Being an alpha release, you'll need to (if you're going to turn on the alpha feeds you might as well hit the beta feeds while you're at it). And, as always, we'll encourage you if you haven't recently to consider - these organizations are dependent on your generosity to bring the webOS homebrew works you love to life.



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      # # #
      * According to a global survey conducted by Dynata on behalf of LG in 2024.
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      Countries: USA, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, South Korea, India, Australia
      Age: People between 22 and 65 years old and weekly TikTok or Instagram users
      Sample Size: 400 respondents in the USA, 200 respondents in the rest of the markets
      Method: Quantitative questionnaire online survey through Dynata’s proprietary panel

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      Enyo Guides
      Technical resources (APIs, documents, tools and SDK) for developing Enyo apps are distributed on a separate website. The following table shows the supported Enyo version by your webOS TV verseion.
      webOS TV Version Supported Enyo Version webOS TV v3.0 Enyo 2.6.3, Enyo 2.5, Enyo 2.3 webOS TV v2.0  Enyo 2.5, Enyo 2.3  webOS TV v1.x  Enyo 2.3  Here are the links to the sampler and document for each Enyo version.
      Enyo Version Resource URL 2.6.3-rc.8 Sampler link hidden, please login to view Document 2.5.5-pre.8 Sampler Document 2.3.0-rc.23 Sampler Document Not available For more information about Enyo framework, visit the Enyojs.com:
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