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PreCentral: Save Business Search results to your Contact List

News Reporter

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Google Maps Share ResultsPerforming a search in webOS for a business is one of the easiest tasks, simply by performing a google search right from

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or by using a variety of apps that have . You can quickly get an address, phone number or even the hours of operation, but once you navigate off that search results page, the data is gone and would require you to perform another search in the future. While that isn’t a difficult task to repeat, some of those apps will give you option to save the result to your contact list so you can bring it up again in the future, even if you don't have a network connection.

While there are quite a few apps that allow you to save a business search result as a contact, there are two that we find to work best: and Jan Herman's (72ka) . WhitePages wins out in pure speed to bring up your search query, and also includes residential (people) searches as well as business searches. We have found that the Google Maps app takes a little extra time to load up before you can search, but you are rewarded with additional information in the contact record, such as hours of operation and website address. In both cases, the contact record will be added to your default synergy account

To add a contact from White Pages, just perform a search, select on the result you want and then tap the White Pages add to contact button on the bottom of the screen. You will then have the option to add the phone number and address to an existing contact or create a new one.

To add a contact from the Google Maps app, you also start by performing a search (from within the app, tap on the "Google Maps" section of the header bar to bring up a search box). Find the result on the map and tap the Google Maps info popup icon to bring up an additional pop-up, then select the "Info" option to view a detailed results page. Then all you need to do is tap the Google Maps share icon on the bottom right and choose the "Add to contacts" options in the resulting pop-up. Unlike in the WhitePages all, the only choice you have to is create a new record.

 is available in the webOS App Catalog for free while  is available in the webOS Nation homebrew feed in Preware or webOS Quick Install.



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    • By News Reporter
      Company Sets New Records for Second Quarter Revenue and Operating Profit 
      Through Balanced Qualitative Growth in Core and Future Businesses  

      SEOUL, July 25, 2024 — LG Electronics Inc. (LG) today announced second-quarter 2024 consolidated revenue of KRW 21.69 trillion and operating profit of KRW 1.20 trillion, reflecting an 8.5 percent year-over-year increase in revenue and a 61.2 percent surge in operating profit. These figures mark new records for the highest second-quarter revenue and operating profit in the company’s history. 
      Key drivers of this performance include the home appliance and vehicle component sectors, both achieving their highest quarterly revenues to date. Sales from LG’s Home Appliance & Air Solution Company and Vehicle component Solutions Company combined reached KRW 11.53 trillion, up 8.2 percent from the previous year. Both Companies also reported record-high second-quarter operating profits, totaling KRW 776.1 billion, which represents a 45 percent year-over-year increase. 
      These results highlight LG’s balanced growth across its core and future businesses. This growth demonstrates not only external expansion but also solid profitability, contributing to qualitative improvements in overall performance. 
      LG continues to transform its business portfolio towards a future-oriented approach, maximizing the potential of existing businesses while securing new growth opportunities. The company is also focused on rapidly advancing high-growth potential new businesses. 
      The fast growth in LG’s B2B sector significantly contributes to establishing a future-oriented business structure. Despite a temporary slowdown in EV demand, the vehicle component business continues to grow, supported by a diversified client base of electric and internal combustion vehicles and a strong order backlog. Additionally, LG’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) business, which includes high-efficiency chillers, is exploring growth opportunities within the AI infrastructure sector. 
      In the B2C domain, LG is accelerating the integration of new business models that combine traditional hardware sales with intangible, non-hardware offerings such as content, services and subscriptions. The webOS content and services business is expanding beyond TVs into IT and infotainment, with projected revenues set to surpass KRW 1 trillion this year.  
      Additionally, the subscription business, which merges products with services, is gaining remarkable momentum. After achieving success in Korea, LG is now expanding this subscription model internationally. Last year, subscription revenue exceeded KRW 1 trillion, with growth accelerating this year. In June, 36.2 percent of major home appliances sold at LG Brand Shops in Korea were subscription-based. This model, particularly popular among young Korean customers, is now being introduced to global markets. For example, LG has launched LG Rent-Up in Malaysia, offering subscriptions for nine products, including washing machines, dryers and refrigerators. 
      LG is also expediting the advancement of new businesses. The smart factory business, which combines the company’s manufacturing expertise with AI, is expected to secure orders worth KRW 300 billion this year, expanding its customer base in industries such as semiconductors and biotechnology. Furthermore, LG’s partnership with ChargePoint, North America’s leading EV charging company, is set to boost the EV charging business by combining ChargePoint’s chargers with LG’s commercial display advertising solutions, ‘LG DOOH Ads,’ creating new market opportunities. 
      The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company generated second-quarter revenue of KRW 8.84 trillion and an operating profit of KRW 694.4 billion. Compared to the same period last year, revenue increased by 11 percent and operating profit by 16 percent, marking the highest revenue for a single quarter and the strongest second-quarter operating profit to date. 
      In the second quarter, LG’s volume zone strategy – designed to address polarized market demand – proved effective by diversifying its product lineup and pricing to meet growing needs in emerging markets such as Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Contributions from new business areas, including subscriptions and Online Brand Shop sales, bolstered the strong performance. Looking ahead to the third quarter, LG intends to remain agile in adapting to market shifts and to continue expanding its B2B sectors, particularly HVAC and built-in appliances. The recent acquisition of smart home platform company Athom is expected to create synergies within the home appliance sector. Additionally, LG will leverage its top-tier global manufacturing capabilities to secure robust profitability.  
      The LG Vehicle component Solutions Company achieved second-quarter revenue of KRW 2.69 trillion and an operating profit of KRW 81.7 billion. Revenue increased by 1 percent year-over-year, and the operating profit turned positive. This quarter’s revenue was the highest for any quarter, and the operating profit was the strongest for a second quarter. 
      Despite a temporary slowdown in the EV market during this period, LG saw growth by effectively addressing increased demand for premium in-vehicle infotainment products and plans to continue expanding its vehicle components business. This strategy includes increasing sales of premium new products as well as safety and convenience solutions, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, in line with existing order programs. 
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      Overall TV market demand is expected to show modest growth in the third quarter compared to last year, with premium OLED TVs anticipated to outperform the broader market. LG will aim to maintain operational efficiency by minimizing cost burdens, such as rising LCD panel prices, through increased sales of OLED TVs. 
      The LG Business Solutions Company reported second-quarter revenue of KRW 1.46 trillion and an operating loss of KRW 5.9 billion. Revenue increased by 9.9 percent year-over-year, driven by expanded sales of strategic products such as LED signage, electronic whiteboards and gaming monitors. However, profitability was impacted by cost increases, including LCD panel prices, and ongoing investments in growth areas like EV charging and robotics. 
      In the third quarter, market growth for premium products such as commercial displays and gaming monitors is expected to continue. The Company will focus on expanding sales of strategic products and improving profitability through efficient resource management. 
      Earnings Conference and Conference Call
      LG Electronics will hold a Korean / English conference call on July 25, 2024, at 16:00 Korea Standard Time (07:00 GMT/UTC). Conference call participants should pre-register online to receive a private PIN. The corresponding presentation file will be available for download at the LG Electronics website before the call.
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    • By News Reporter
      Digital signage is an essential tool for connecting and communicating with key stakeholders across various environments, including retail, hospitality, healthcare and corporate sectors. This technology delivers dynamic and customized content to captivate, entertain and inform audiences. To maximize the value of these versatile B2B products, innovative companies like LG have introduced cloud-based content management solutions, providing clients with a new level of control and convenience.

      According to a
      link hidden, please login to view conducted by Grand View Research, the digital transformation solution market is expected to record a compound annual growth rate of 30.8 percent by 2030, driven largely by the increasing adoption and investment in cloud technology. Cloud-based content management solutions enable companies to administer their digital content – and the digital signage that displays it – from almost anywhere, significantly reducing time, hassle and costs. Further streamlining business operations, some solutions now incorporate AI and data analytics to measure advertising performance and create content tailored to target audiences. Following this trend, many system integrator companies have started to offer services relating to the installation and management of cloud software for digital signage. Several of LG’s successful cloud-based solution implementations have been led by (WAND), a U.S.-based digital display and content management software provider and systems integrator primarily serving the food service market. WAND, which boasts many notable clients, leverages LG’s webOS-based digital signage and LG Business Cloud. This platform offers straightforward setup and a wide range of options for diverse business sectors, simplifying the purchasing and application of LG digital signage management software. By implementing LG Business Cloud solutions, WAND’s customers have achieved greater scalability and efficiency in their operations while simultaneously enjoying an enhanced digital signage management experience.

      The winner of an InfoComm 2024 Best of Show award from AV Technology magazine, is a one-stop platform that offers an array of software solutions to meet B2B customers’ various digital signage and content management needs. These include the LG SuperSign Cloud digital signage content management system (CMS), and LG Pro:Centric Cloud, a CMS designed for hotel TVs. Pro:Centric Cloud fosters a guest-friendly environment by enabling tailored customer service and the creation of personalized content for in-room displays.

      In addition, the platform features the LG ConnectedCare remote management solution (RMS), which lets users manage and monitor the performance of their LG digital signage products remotely, sending instant alert notifications if an error is detected. Another outstanding solution offered on the platform is LG DOOH Ads, LG’s commercial display advertising solution. These convenience-enhancing solutions save businesses valuable time, as they can now be easily purchased through LG Business Cloud. Previously, customers had to navigate to each solution’s official website or webpage to make a purchase.
      Moreover, LG Business Cloud lets users take advantage of trial licenses and tutorial videos for every solution offered on the platform.1 After purchasing a license from the LG Business Cloud website, customers can seamlessly connect their licenses to their digital signage and immediately begin using their newly acquired management solutions without any additional steps.

      By providing all the essential tools needed to simplify and streamline content and display management, LG Business Cloud helps B2B customers maximize the potential of their LG digital signage.
      To learn more about LG’s cloud-based B2B solutions, visit .2
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      1 Trial licenses and tutorial videos are services provided to registered members.
      2 Purchasing solutions on LG Business Cloud is currently available in the U.S., with plans to gradually expand to other regions.

    • By News Reporter
      Company to Leverage Lighthouse Factory Expertise
      to Develop Future-Oriented Business Models

      SEOUL, July 18, 2024 — LG Electronics (LG) is advancing its smart factory solutions business by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DX) with its extensive 66-year history of manufacturing and production expertise.
      The Ultimate Fusion of AI and Manufacturing Capabilities
      Earlier this year, LG officially entered the smart factory solutions market. The Production engineering Research Institute (PRI), which has been enhancing production and manufacturing competitiveness for LG Group affiliates, is now extending its expertise to external clients. Services offered include production consulting, development of equipment and operation systems and training for technology personnel.
      Despite being in its inaugural year, the business has already achieved significant milestones. PRI anticipates securing orders worth approximately KRW 200 billion from external clients for its smart factory solutions.
      Major clients include secondary battery manufacturers, automotive parts manufacturers and logistics companies. LG plans to aggressively expand into industries with rapidly growing factory demand, such as semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and food and beverage. The goal is to develop the smart factory solutions business into a multi-trillion KRW enterprise by 2030, excluding revenue generated within the LG Group.
      According to market research firm
      link hidden, please login to view, the global smart factory market is projected to grow from USD 155.61 billion this year to USD 268.46 billion by 2030. 770TB of Manufacturing Data and Over 1,000 Patents
      LG has accumulated vast amounts of manufacturing data and know-how through 66 years of factory design, construction and operation. In the past decade alone, the company has amassed 770 terabytes (TB) of manufacturing and production data, equivalent to storing approximately 197,000 high-definition movies (assuming each movie is 4GB). The company’s competitive edge also lies in its various core production technologies essential for smart factory configuration, with PRI filing over 1,000 patents related to smart factory solutions. LG aims to set its smart factory solutions apart by integrating its extensive manufacturing data and expertise with AI and DX, leveraging world-class production technologies. These smart factory solutions encompass production system design, monitoring and operation through Digital Twin technology; big data and generative AI-based management of quality, industrial safety and equipment; and the provision of various industrial robots.
      Production Efficiency Directly Linked to Business Profitability
      Smart factory solutions focus on minimizing even the briefest delays or minute errors between processes. Since efficiency in production is directly linked to the overall profitability of the business, enhancing it is crucial. For example, at LG’s refrigerator production line in Changwon, a refrigerator is produced every 13 seconds. A 10-minute delay in the production line would result in a production shortfall of 50 refrigerators. Assuming the price of one refrigerator is KRW 2 million, a 10-minute delay translates to a loss of KRW 100 million.
      This impact is even more significant for products with faster production speeds.* Therefore, solutions that minimize delays across processes – from the seamless supply of multiple components to assembly, packaging and inspection – are essential.
      Comprehensive Production Solutions Covering the Entire Journey
      LG approaches the smart factory business not just as unit solutions for specific areas but as comprehensive solutions covering the entire journey for clients, from factory planning to design, construction and operation. Considering the client’s environment and industry characteristics, the company diagnoses existing factories and identifies areas for improvement, establishing a step-by-step roadmap from automation, informationization and intelligence perspectives to maximize investment effectiveness.
      Digital Twin Solution for All Value Chain
      The production system design and operation solutions leverage real-time simulations using Digital Twin technology. Before the factory is built, a virtual replica identical to the real factory is created, allowing clients to preview the production and logistics flow. This enables optimal efficiency in factory design.
      During the operational phase, analyzing real-time data helps detect bottlenecks, defects and malfunctions in the production line in advance, thereby contributing to productivity improvement.
      Autonomous Mobile Robots and Collaborative Robots
      LG’s various industrial robot solutions for factory automation offer significant advantages. The Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) is equipped with cameras, radar and LiDAR sensors to recognize its surroundings and supply parts and materials. It navigates effectively, avoiding workers and obstacles through autonomous driving.
      The Mobile Manipulator (MM), which combines a multi-joint robotic arm with an AMR, can automate a range of tasks seamlessly. It is capable of diverse actions such as assembly, defect inspection and transporting parts and materials. Additionally, it can replace the batteries of nearby AMRs when they run low.
      Generative AI Solutions for Easy Anomaly Diagnosis
      Solutions that assist in managing yield rates and ensuring the smooth operation of equipment are also highly beneficial. Sensors installed throughout the factory detect abnormal signals such as vibrations and noise caused by equipment aging or lack of lubrication. Big data is then used to determine the causes and recommend corrective actions.
      Generative AI based on large language models allows for easy use through voice commands. For example, saying “abnormal vibration in equipment A at 2 p.m.” records the abnormal signal on the server. A command like “show recent abnormal vibrations and corrective actions” provides a list of defect types and previous corrective actions in order of likelihood.
      Additionally, LG has developed a real-time detection system powered by Vision AI. This system learns the factory’s normal operating conditions and detects anomalies such as temperature fluctuations and defects. It also enhances factory safety management by identifying workers who are not properly wearing safety helmets or work vests.
      Expediting the Development of a Future-Oriented Business Model by Harnessing Lighthouse Factory Expertise
      LG’s intelligent autonomous factories in Changwon, South Korea, and Tennessee, USA, have been recognized as Lighthouse Factories by the World Economic Forum. Following the implementation of smart factory solutions, productivity at the Changwon plant increased by 17 percent, energy efficiency improved by 30 percent, and quality costs due to defects were reduced by 70 percent. Within the LG Group, production facilities at over 60 locations in 40 regions worldwide are applying solutions from PRI.
      Leveraging this internally and externally validated smart factory expertise for business ventures holds significant meaning in terms of commercializing intangible assets. LG is driving a transformation of its business portfolio, which has traditionally focused on production of hardware, by integrating software and solutions into a future-oriented structure. This approach is expected to significantly contribute to the rapid growth of the company’s B2B sector, one of the three key growth drivers in LG’s 2030 Future Vision, especially as it targets numerous external corporate clients.
      “We will offer optimal smart factory solutions at every stage – from planning and design to construction and operation – becoming the ideal partner that supports our clients throughout their entire production journey,” said Jeong Dae-hwa, head of LG PRI.
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      * Unit for production speed is parts per million (PPM).

    • By News Reporter
      New Facility to Focus on Development of Innovative HVAC Solutions
      Tailored to Europe’s Diverse Regional Climates

      SEOUL, July 15, 2024 — LG Electronics (LG) is establishing a new Air Solution Research and Development (R&D) Lab in Frankfurt, Germany. The state-of-the-art facility will join existing LG Air Solution Labs in Changwon, South Korea; and Atlanta, Georgia, USA, to form a global R&D triangle.
      The new 10,000-square-foot lab will focus primarily on developing high-efficiency heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) solutions for Europe’s varied local climates. Research and testing will be carried out on a wide range of residential and light commercial HVAC systems, including heat pumps, energy monitoring systems and energy management platforms. Through executing an extensive, locally-focused R&D program, the Frankfurt lab will reinforce LG’s ability to provide HVAC solutions tailored for the European market.
      Additionally, the new lab will collaborate with the company’s recently launched European Consortium for Advanced Heat Pump Research to develop heat pumps that can reliably deliver top-tier heating performance during Northern Europe’s harsh winters. To strengthen the capabilities of its European HVAC business, LG plans to nurture and actively recruit local talent in fields such as heat pump design and smart home technology.
      A major focus for LG, the European HVAC market is expected to see significant growth in the coming years due to the European Union’s (EU) far-reaching energy policies. These include the REPowerEU* plan, which aims to reduce energy consumption, diversify energy supply, expand renewable energy sources and decrease dependence on fossil fuels by 2030. Moreover, the EU-led Green Deal policy targets significant reductions in carbon emissions by 2030, with further reductions by 2040, to achieve a carbon-neutral society by 2050.
      The EU’s energy policies have significantly increased the demand for high-efficiency electrical products, particularly high-efficiency heat pump heating and cooling systems. These systems offer reduced carbon emissions compared to conventional fossil-fuel-driven solutions.
      LG’s HVAC solutions, including ultra-efficient heat pumps, are highly competitive due to the company’s advanced core component technology, or core tech. LG develops and manufactures key components such as compressors and motors, essential for air conditioning products and a variety of other appliances. The company also proactively invests in R&D to continuously enhance its industry-leading technologies, including heat exchangers, inverters and heat pumps.
      To drive B2B growth and increase management efficacy, LG’s HVAC business is developing a comprehensive local system encompassing all operational areas, from R&D and sales to maintenance and customer service. As part of this initiative, LG has expanded its network of HVAC academies to 62 locations in 43 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, training over 30,000 HVAC engineers annually.
      “Along with developing differentiated HVAC solutions tailored to Europe’s regional climates, our new Air Solution R&D Lab in Frankfurt will support our ongoing global efforts in decarbonization and electrification,” said James Lee, head of the Air Solution Business Unit at LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. “LG will continue to strengthen its HVAC leadership in Europe and globally.”
      # # #
      * The EU’s REPowerEU plan has decreased gas consumption by 18 percent, and dependence on Russian fossil fuels has dropped from 45 percent in 2021 to 15 percent in 2023. ( link hidden, please login to view)

    • By matesz
      I currently have CA DacMagic 100 connected via optical + CA A1 AMP, this is quite cumbersome and doesn't work with universal control.
      I know that i will have to buy some hardware to have proper universal control, however i can't find any reliable information on which amp does support it and which doesn't. 
      It would be great if list of supported devices would be available.
      If not then recomendation for AMPs that works well with optical + simple DALI oberon stereo satellite setup is also solution.
      PS1. Sorry if this duplicate but i couldn't find anything meaningful after few days of googling.
      PS2. I've heard that Denon AVR-X3600H works but this is massive overkill for what i need (i don't indend to go beyond stereo, not even 2+1).
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