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Everything posted by sphinxkoma

  1. -This Downgrade Tutorial is for LG UB850V- Tutorial for Downgrade to 5.00.04 FW! 1.here are the LGUpdater Folder with my manual settings. MEGA 2.Edit the AcylicHosts File with your PC IP Adress. ############################################################################# # # # IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THIS FILE YOU HAVE TO RESTART THE ACRYLIC DNS # # PROXY SERVICE IN ORDER TO SEE THEIR EFFECTS. # # # # This is the AcrylicHosts.txt file. # # # # It contains predefined mappings between names and addresses exactly the # # same way the native HOSTS file does. # # # # The format is: IPADDRESS HOSTNAME1 [HOSTNAME2] [HOSTNAME3] ... # # # # Where IPADDRESS is in quad-dotted notation and HOSTNAMES are strings. # # # # The separator between IPADDRESS and HOSTNAMES can be any number of spaces # # or tabs or both. If the HOSTNAMES contain the special characters '*' and # # '?' a (slow) "dir" like pattern matching algorithm is used instead of a # # (fast) binary search within the list of host names: # # # # ad.* ads.* # # # # If a HOSTNAME starts with the '/' character instead it is treated like a # # regular expression (also very slow compared to a binary search): # # # # /^ads?\..*$ # # # # Note: More info about the regular expression engine and its syntax can be # # found at: RegExp Studio Regular expressions,RegExp,Delphi,Pascal,FreePascal,Kylix,Libraries,VCL,CLX,Tools,files utils,math,string utils,parsers # # # # It is also possible to specify exceptions when regular expressions or # # pattern based matching is used. If for example we would like to filter # # out all ads.* like domains except for the ads.test1 and the ads.test2 we # # should write: # # # # ads.* -ads.test1 -ads.test2 # # # # Note: A line starting with the '#' character (and everything after it if # # it's found within a line) is considered a comment and therefore ignored. # # # ############################################################################# localhost ###.###.#.## snu.lge.com ###.###.#.## lgtvonline.lge.com 3.edit the HE_DTV_WT1H_AFAAABAA File inside the htdocs Folder with your PC-IP Adress.(Open with Editor) <RESPONSE><RESULT_CD>900</RESULT_CD><MSG>Success</MSG><REQ_ID>00000000001095060917</REQ_ID><IMAGE_URL>###.###.#.##</IMAGE_URL><IMAGE_SIZE>645152780</IMAGE_SIZE><IMAGE_NAME>starfish-dvb-secured-goldfinger-23.ashley.goldfinger-2304-05.00.04-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk</IMAGE_NAME><UPDATE_MAJOR_VER>05</UPDATE_MAJOR_VER><UPDATE_MINOR_VER>00.04</UPDATE_MINOR_VER><FORCE_FLAG>Y</FORCE_FLAG><KE></KE><GMT>9 Apr 2014 16:01:07 GMT</GMT><ECO_INFO>01</ECO_INFO><CDN_URL>http://###.###.#.##/starfish-dvb-secured-goldfinger-23.ashley.goldfinger-2304-05.00.04-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk</CDN_URL><CONTENTS></CONTENTS></RESPONSE> 4.Download this FW 5.00.04. Бета-версии прошивок для Ultra HD моделей 2014 года - 2 : webOS-телевизоры - Обсуждение Direct Link: http://webos-forums.ru/go.php?http:...nger-2304-05.00.04-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk Attention!!! THIS FW!!! Its for Germany,GB,Russia and so on. If your TV its an European Version. для наших стран -> 05.00.04 от 09.2015 (на системе ashley вместо arches); Use Google Translate for more Information on this WebOS.ru Site please. 5.Put the downloaded FW in the htdocs Folder. 6.wire with a normal LAN Crossovercable PC to TV. 7.Start startDNS,then startHHTP .bat File. Dont Close this 2 Prompt Windows! 8.Now go to your TV Network Settings and set your IP Adress ( see it in Status information-Windows7,for example) there. 9.Go to your TV Info Tab and click on: Update 10.Now it must start the Update Progress Status bar. 11.Finish!!! 11.1 Return TV Network Setting to -Automatic-. 12. SMILE PS: if you want another FW to Downgrade,you must edit the complete HE_DTV,AcrylicHosts File with the Information from this specific FW. I hope i could help you and another desperate Members here. Greetings
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