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Posts posted by Smartboy

  1. Hi all, I am trying to find a solution to the native but complex "magic" remote control from LG. For elder or young people, this magic remote control with the OLED C3 TV is too complex or too busy (using a lot of unused keys. The new model for remote control is now either the Apple TV RC, the Android TV RC or the Google TV remote control. All these RC are small, easy to use with only 10 to 15 keys instead of the 40 to 50 keys. I saw that. in the past LG introduced smaller remote control (see below the first image LG AN-MR500) but I am not sure it is supported with the LG OLED C3. I also saw that the latest projector CineBeam Q comes with a small new RC (see bellow). This new white RC has only the necessary keys (max 10) and seems to be fine ! Also, the new C4 is coming seoon and I suppose it will include a new Remote Control but we don't know yet what it is ... Do you have an idea to solve my issue ? 

    Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 18.13.17.png

    Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 18.12.50.png

  2. After some research, I think this is almost impossible to turn off the floating cursor ! Because some applications like the web browser for example is using it. I really think that for elder people, it is very disturbing. In my search I also found some "compatible" remotes where the pointer cannot be activated. BTW, I didn't buy any of these remotes ... This could be a workaround (or not).  I simply reconnected my Android TV box and I am using the very simple Android remote (6 keys ... but not called a magic remote). Another possibility could be to rewrite the webOS it-self from the github web site but I am not sure to want to spend days on that question. 

  3. Hi webos_24, I have the same issue and I came to the same conclusion. You cannot delete a lot of things in the home screen. The only way to  solve that problem is to get rid of webOS ... I used a connected xiaomi MI BOX S and I connect automatically to it at startup (and also use HDMI CEC so that I can use the MI BOX remote to control startup and shutdwon of both MI BOX and LG TV at the sametime). It is working really great. For elder people, I also use a FLauncher application in the android MI BOX that presents a nice clear and simple menu to launch the list of streaming applictaions. btw, i don't use any cable or live TV ... Hope this could help. NB: it is a pity that this webOS is not an open software ... 

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  4. After some tests on WebOS 23 on the home screen, you can just remove the ads, remove all the tiles (or cards) except the "Mofify" card that will stay in the middle of the screen. Concerning the "Apps" bar, you cannot remove some specific ones like the browser, the dashboard, ...  And finaly the bottom items cannot be removed at all (you can just remove the recommendations from the general parameter menu). To summarize, you cannot customize the home screen ... It is really a pity. 

  5. Before I buy this very nice LG TV with WebOS 23, my wife and I were using an old samsung with an android TV box. So it is very difficult to adapt to the cursor / pointer. I read the documentation and found it is possible to press the direction buttons to momentarely remove the cursor (which is painfull to navigate for us). But each time I press one of the home, return, wheel buttons,  then you know what, the pointer is back on the screen. I read the documentation from A to Z and didn't find any parameter to permanently DISABLE the pointer ... Any workaround or parameter that I missed ? 

  6. Hello guys, this is my first question in this blog. I just bought recently a LG OLED65C3 and I am very happy. However, I would like to simplify the homescreen as much as possible. I already removed the ads in the top part of the screen.  Then I would like also to remove the colored tiles (dashboard, music, advice ...), not sure it is possible. I would like to keep the app bar in the middle, of course. Finally, I want to remove the bottom of the screen like the TV Guide, user's guide ... Do you think this is someting possible ? Aslo in the web app bar in the middle, there are some applications like Sport Alerts or Dashoard I cannot remove from the bar ... It would be nice to be able to simplify all the home screen for my elder and kids.  


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