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I need support for RTSP protocol, please help

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Hi, today I've lost about 8 hours trying find out how to open an rtsp of an IP camera into a new 65" OLED TV, which is updated to the latest FW. Tons of apps for IPTV but none of them is able to open a working/tested RTSP, also including it into a playlist m3u file. Nobody in this world has thought to display an RTSP on a LG TV? Looks unbelievable.

I've read a bout "webOS Signage and LG" but no ide how to implement it, install it, nowhere it is described.
I need to display an rtsp stream on LG tv, I have the chance only woth an external device by HDMI or DLNA? That's a shame..
Thank you for help

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4 hours ago, GiovanniG said:

Hi, today I've lost about 8 hours trying find out how to open an rtsp of an IP camera into a new 65" OLED TV, which is updated to the latest FW. Tons of apps for IPTV but none of them is able to open a working/tested RTSP, also including it into a playlist m3u file. Nobody in this world has thought to display an RTSP on a LG TV? Looks unbelievable.

I've read a bout "webOS Signage and LG" but no ide how to implement it, install it, nowhere it is described.
I need to display an rtsp stream on LG tv, I have the chance only woth an external device by HDMI or DLNA? That's a shame..
Thank you for help

I’ve ended up using Serviio in a Docker container running in the NVR which works well and through access control can allow you to limit it to just the TV’s IP address. If going down this path the only thing I wish is knew before is to remove all content listing apart from “online” and reduce nesting. Also currently with 2.2.1 and below of Serviio if you have a username/password for thumbnail access it won’t work (RTSP will though even with auth). I’ve raised a bug with the author.

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18 hours ago, Beech Horn said:

I’ve ended up using Serviio in a Docker container running in the NVR which works well and through access control can allow you to limit it to just the TV’s IP address. If going down this path the only thing I wish is knew before is to remove all content listing apart from “online” and reduce nesting. Also currently with 2.2.1 and below of Serviio if you have a username/password for thumbnail access it won’t work (RTSP will though even with auth). I’ve raised a bug with the author.

Thank you for your kindly help, may I pleas ask you shortly to describe me the process? I have one Win64server 24/7 on on the same LAN, I'm thinking to use it to convert the stream into DLNA, is that the way? (the DVR can't be used for run other processes).

For example:
Install Serviio for windows, add to it the stream rtsp, set this and that parameter, etc. Then what to use on the side of TV to load it, thank you really a lot for your help :)


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2 minutes ago, GiovanniG said:

Thank you for your kindly help, may I pleas ask you shortly to describe me the process? I have one Win64server 24/7 on on the same LAN, I'm thinking to use it to convert the stream into DLNA, is that the way? (the DVR can't be used for run other processes).

For example:
Install Serviio for windows, add to it the stream rtsp, set this and that parameter, etc. Then what to use on the side of TV to load it, thank you really a lot for your help :)


That should work fine.

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Thanks, I hope to test it soon, what you mean with
"If going down this path the only thing I wish is knew before is to remove all content listing apart from “online” and reduce nesting"
going down this path means the use of Serviio is not working, or it means that the camera stream will go down?
What do you mean with the content listing? In which part of Serviio is contained? So I have to remove all extept the voice “online” and "reduce nesting"?

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5 hours ago, GiovanniG said:

Thanks, I hope to test it soon, what you mean with
"If going down this path the only thing I wish is knew before is to remove all content listing apart from “online” and reduce nesting"
going down this path means the use of Serviio is not working, or it means that the camera stream will go down?
What do you mean with the content listing? In which part of Serviio is contained? So I have to remove all extept the voice “online” and "reduce nesting"?

The screenshot with the heading Presentation. Serviio can host a lot of content all on one, you’ll have a huge number of folders to navigate every time you want to look at your cameras unless you turn it all off. That screenshot shows how to configure it for easy access to the cameras. It works just fine.

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On 8/8/2022 at 6:41 AM, Beech Horn said:

The screenshot with the heading Presentation. Serviio can host a lot of content all on one, you’ll have a huge number of folders to navigate every time you want to look at your cameras unless you turn it all off. That screenshot shows how to configure it for easy access to the cameras. It works just fine.

Thank you my friend, you rieally kind helping me.
Today I've remotely accessed a 24/7 server and there I've installed Serviio, following your guide I've connected the video rtsp source and tested it, then blocked all the presentations as you showed in the picture. Serviio is able to detect different devices in the network, TV and so on, and testing it sucessfully, now on one TV I can see Serviio as a source in the list, all good till here.
But when I enter it says "file not found", I can't see the stream anywhere surfing between buttons/menus available, but I can see examples with pictures and videos. Then I disabled in Serviio anything possibile, especially on audio and pictures, and restarted again, no differences. I'm sure it's my Serviio because if I stop it it will disappear also on TV. Strange, really strange, do you have suggesions?

Honestly I asked a guy there tohelp me and I followed all by video call, I was thinking it was easy but I suppose I've to go there to go deeper. I hope to solve, but at first impact I'm a bit disappointed 😕 maybe on this server there is kind of block for connections, I'll check better

What will happen after shareware 14days finishes? May I keep it use only for one camera? (without trascoding)
Thank you

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14 hours ago, GiovanniG said:

Thank you my friend, you rieally kind helping me.
Today I've remotely accessed a 24/7 server and there I've installed Serviio, following your guide I've connected the video rtsp source and tested it, then blocked all the presentations as you showed in the picture. Serviio is able to detect different devices in the network, TV and so on, and testing it sucessfully, now on one TV I can see Serviio as a source in the list, all good till here.
But when I enter it says "file not found", I can't see the stream anywhere surfing between buttons/menus available, but I can see examples with pictures and videos. Then I disabled in Serviio anything possibile, especially on audio and pictures, and restarted again, no differences. I'm sure it's my Serviio because if I stop it it will disappear also on TV. Strange, really strange, do you have suggesions?

Honestly I asked a guy there tohelp me and I followed all by video call, I was thinking it was easy but I suppose I've to go there to go deeper. I hope to solve, but at first impact I'm a bit disappointed 😕 maybe on this server there is kind of block for connections, I'll check better

What will happen after shareware 14days finishes? May I keep it use only for one camera? (without trascoding)
Thank you

Ah not everything is disabled in presentation. Video is show content only and online is show content only. Think of it like a folder structure where otherwise you’d need to go into the Video folder, then into the Online folder.

Check that the RTSP stream you’ve specified is working in VLC. If there is a username/password then put it into the URL like:


in VLC under the file menu there is an option to play a network stream.

my 2019 C1 LG TV doesn’t like anything more than 1080p h264 over RTSP so had to configure the third stream to be this on the HikVision cameras I have (first stream is 4K h265+ and second stream is low quality).

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Thanks again for your help, I got what you mean, I undestood it, all is already configured fine, and presentation is made as you say.. video> display content only and online > display content only, all the rest is diasbled. As result I can see the samples pictures (??) even if I've disabled pictures in all menues and I can't see the rtsp, it writes "no files exist" on black screen. It looks the server works out of control, ignoring the settings (only start/stop server has affect)
Rstp is tested and working in the same server with VLC, it's a 1080p h265, I guess latest LG TV that cost 2500€ may accept it too )

I suppose I've to go there myself checking, and how the things look I can't do much more, I'm sad to say that was not easy as expected (



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1 minute ago, GiovanniG said:

Thanks again for your help, I got what you mean, I undestood it, all should be configured fine, and presentation is made as you say.. video> display content only and online > diplay content only, all the rest is diasbled. As result I can see the samples pictures (??) even if I've disabled pictures in all menues and I can't see the rtsp, it writes "no files exist" on black screen. It looks the server works out of control, ignoring the settings (only start/stop server has affect)
Rstp is tested and working in the same server with VLC, it's a 1080p h265, I guess latest LG TV that cost 2500€ may accept it too )

I suppose I've to go there myself checking, and how the things look I can't do much more, I'm sad to say that was not easy as expected (

Alas dropping it to h264 might be necessary 😞

In VLC you can use the playlist feature (View->Playlist) to and select "Universal Plug'n'Play" on the left:


This will let you test Serviio is working fine before playing with the TV.

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1 minute ago, GiovanniG said:

It doesn't work, I've also changed to h264 but it didn't help, I've tried to create a user and assign the connection and the rtsp souce to that user, no way


This program looks simple, but it isn't

If the raw RTSP stream works in VLC then only other thing might be transcoding is on in Serviio, disable it.

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I've disabled it altready on the first configuration. I've looked at the logs and enabled the debug log, unfortunataley there are so many responsive DLNA devices in this LAN that Serviio fill up the log making it difficult to read. Anyway I haven't read errors there, it's very strange.
I'm a bit tired to loose time for a thing that shpudl be so simple, showing an rtsp stream, the next step is to go there, and try with my laptop sitting in that LAN, I really hope it's possible, if not I've to search and learn another DLNA server. Amazing the life is sometime

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I wish you luck and totally agree. Wish I could just add RTSP.

BTW really nice setup is using HomeBridge and an Apple TV. You can get it to show picture in picture when there is movement and even have h265 4k instead of h264 1080p. Shame I don't want to use the Apple TV for accessing content and prefer to use the TV itself. But if this is for a client, that is a really nice solution.

Hope it goes well at site. I'd personally always set a username/password. Use RTSP TCP for sanity of debugging (UDP for multicast) and test the URL through VLC first before adding to Serviio, then again VLC to debug before configuring on TV.

Once the TV has played from Serviio, if you go into status you can turn off "Enable access for new devices" and configure it to use "LG TV / player" instead of "Generic DLNA profile", but it should still play without this.


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Hi mate, works with my laptop, anyway bad, even if I unselect trancode I have at output a stream of 20 megabit an high usage of CPU (ffmpeg), as result the video on tv is really messy. I'm looking for a way to copy out the same stream input, it's a bit unbelievable there isn't this option for a standard stream. I've a 1080p 25fps mp4 standard source without audio, the most standard one, no need to transode.
I've tried simple DLNA but it doesn't support stream

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8 minutes ago, GiovanniG said:

Hi mate, works with my laptop, anyway bad, even if I unselect trancode I have at output a stream of 20 megabit an high usage of CPU (ffmpeg), as result the video on tv is really messy. I'm looking for a way to copy out the same stream input, it's a bit unbelievable there isn't this option for a standard stream. I've a 1080p 25fps mp4 standard source without audio, the most standard one, no need to transode.
I've tried simple DLNA but it doesn't support stream

If the network is a pain, then use multicast on a nice switch, anything accessing the camera gets the same stream and it scales.

On my cameras if I do it unicast with too many devices it looks like this:


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Seviio rencodes stream with MPG1| Have you aviced it? Amazing..
a stream of 150kb/s bocomes 2mb!
I'm trying with Universal Media Server, stream copy doesn't work probably because it pass directly the rtsp url and TV refuses to connect, it sends with higher bitrate, the tv opens it but display black screen

I've noticed you have glitches on you video, probably because you have too high bitrate as well

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17 minutes ago, GiovanniG said:

Seviio rencodes stream with MPG1| Have you aviced it? Amazing..
a stream of 150kb/s bocomes 2mb!
I'm trying with Universal Media Server, stream copy doesn't work probably because it pass directly the rtsp url and TV refuses to connect, it sends with higher bitrate, the tv opens it but display black screen

I've noticed you have glitches on you video, probably because you have too high bitrate as well

No I did that deliberately to show you what overloading my cameras in unicast does as I use multicast. Was seeing if it was the same for you, demonstrating oversaturating the stream on the camera. Now I am back on multicast it’s glitch free.

VLC reports h264 and bitrate is same for me (~4mbps in and out), no transcoding. Uses less than 1% CPU on my Synology NAS (DS720+) which runs Serviio in a Docker.

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Now I read better, thanks for posting the video. But how to activate multicast? Should it be from the side of DVR? I don't think so, I think it should be told to Serviio to use it as output, how? None of the settings talking aboit that. Please tell me how to do it.
Unfortunately I'm not more in front of PC, also today I've wasted an half day to solve thsi problem, amazing.
I've tried Universal Media Server too, direct stream doesn't work, only trancode sith VLC, VLC Legacy and Mencoder is able to be accepted from tv and from VLC, stream bandwith out appears, but the LG screen keeps black. No luck (

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45 minutes ago, GiovanniG said:

Now I read better, thanks for posting the video. But how to activate multicast? Should it be from the side of DVR? I don't think so, I think it should be told to Serviio to use it as output, how? None of the settings talking aboit that. Please tell me how to do it.
Unfortunately I'm not more in front of PC, also today I've wasted an half day to solve thsi problem, amazing.
I've tried Universal Media Server too, direct stream doesn't work, only trancode sith VLC, VLC Legacy and Mencoder is able to be accepted from tv and from VLC, stream bandwith out appears, but the LG screen keeps black. No luck (

You normally enable multicast on the cameras. If they are on a separate VLAN you’ll want IGMP snooping.

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I don't believe the dvr has this function, anyway this can be overcome by a ffmpeg session, this is easy to achieve.
I'm thinking if ffmpeg is able itself to annunce to DLNA devices, I don't believe so, I think the DLNA is managed by code like Serviio, which uses ffmpeg to transcode and manage video/audio streams. If I can do everything with ffmpeg I believe I can fly, becuase I can find my way myself..
So I have to give a chance to Serviio, converting before the RTSP to a multicast UDP. Anyway, having a WiFi means all the packets will be forwarded to all ethernet segment, and in this place the ethernet is tunneled to the main office with a VLAN bridge of 10 megabit only, I'm risking to saturate it

PS: I haven't found yet a way to stream by ffmpeg on TCP, listeneing to a port for a client like VLC, in all test I did ffmper is trying connect to a listening port to push there the stream.. amazing

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7 hours ago, GiovanniG said:

I don't believe the dvr has this function, anyway this can be overcome by a ffmpeg session, this is easy to achieve.
I'm thinking if ffmpeg is able itself to annunce to DLNA devices, I don't believe so, I think the DLNA is managed by code like Serviio, which uses ffmpeg to transcode and manage video/audio streams. If I can do everything with ffmpeg I believe I can fly, becuase I can find my way myself..
So I have to give a chance to Serviio, converting before the RTSP to a multicast UDP. Anyway, having a WiFi means all the packets will be forwarded to all ethernet segment, and in this place the ethernet is tunneled to the main office with a VLAN bridge of 10 megabit only, I'm risking to saturate it

PS: I haven't found yet a way to stream by ffmpeg on TCP, listeneing to a port for a client like VLC, in all test I did ffmper is trying connect to a listening port to push there the stream.. amazing

If you want to do it natively with FFmpeg then would look at miniDLNA for the announcement.

Alternatively look for an IPTV app on LG (hopefully there is at least one) which should be able to take in something natively from FFmpeg.

Please note I have not personally tried either solution (well I’ve used IPTV for non-CCTV RTSP streams).

if you have an AppleTV, FireTV or Chromecast then you may have better luck with HLS. The AppleTV app isn’t sufficient has to be a physical one. This is a solution I’ve done before (well to AppleTV, but have heard it’s similar for FireTV/Chromecast) and lets you go full resolution h265, but needs an external device.

feel your pain on this, took me a while to find Serviio and it’s been my go to ever since (I deal with HikVision, Synology, Ubiquiti and Avigilion), but if it’s causing you pain am hoping you’ll find a solution more suitable. Best of luck!

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7 hours ago, Beech Horn said:

If you want to do it natively with FFmpeg then would look at miniDLNA for the announcement.

Alternatively look for an IPTV app on LG (hopefully there is at least one) which should be able to take in something natively from FFmpeg.

Best of luck!

Thanks :) miniDLNA is for Linux, I?m looking for something for Windows to put in a local PC, if possible. Seems difficult to find one like this, there are many options and most of them will not suite, it's a lot of time to search and test. Mayba a combination of ffmpeg and something elase will do the job.
The same for LG apps, it's getting mad to test them all, I'm not going more to put myself in such situation. I'ts really bad there isn't any popular/known app like VLC there and, as well, be sure LG won't change its politics on the next update of WebOS.
No chances for external devices via HDMI

I hope to report it here

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59 minutes ago, GiovanniG said:

Thanks :) miniDLNA is for Linux, I?m looking for something for Windows to put in a local PC, if possible. Seems difficult to find one like this, there are many options and most of them will not suite, it's a lot of time to search and test. Mayba a combination of ffmpeg and something elase will do the job.
The same for LG apps, it's getting mad to test them all, I'm not going more to put myself in such situation. I'ts really bad there isn't any popular/known app like VLC there and, as well, be sure LG won't change its politics on the next update of WebOS.
No chances for external devices via HDMI

I hope to report it here

Just run it using WSL2, through docker, etc.

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13 hours ago, GiovanniG said:

Hi mate, if the argument appasionate you, you may read what we discussed here:

link hidden, please login to view

Yeah you seem to be having all manner of troubles here. Am wondering if it's the stream from the IP camera which isn't compatible. HikVision and Avigilon are working trouble-free (unless I overload the streams, hence using multicast).

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