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OLED 4K model 55EG920V full of bugs, and I can't get to a support.



I have bought OLED 4K TV, Model 55EG920V. I was so surprised, when found, that it have no analogue audio output at all! Even for headphones! Please, check it out, I can't believe to my eyes too! How does that is possible? I have an idea to use it with my professional stereo studio monitors, Behringer Truth B2031A, and it looks like it is unavailable to do with that TV.
Ok, there is an option in TV's menu to connect wireless audio, using audio receiver, but BT on this TV wont see any of BT audio receivers!!! I have tested it with 5 different BT audio receivers, BT versions from 3.0 to 4.1 with APT-x, and pcm support, or without - LG TV wont seen any of them! But wireless audio option is available on TV's menu, and it turns into scan for BT audio devices, but wont see any of them, which is available for linkage. Old Samsung can see, connect and stream audio to all of them. Do you really think, it is good idea, to have no option at all for audio connection, or maybe I have to throw away my professional studio audio monitors, and replace it with LG wireless audio bar? Maybe this was your marketing idea? I'm not talking about an optical out - an only audio out on TV. I'm musician, with a lot of music instruments, and audio equipment, but I have never used optic to connect audio, since up to me, it is pure marketing toy, with no practical reason to use. If you transfer digital signal, it does no matter, which is the carrier, electric wire, radio, or optics. It only made to make customers think.., ohh.., optics.., cool! and make them pay all that wires and stuff. But for professional studio monitors, no one will use this fucking toy like optic. Finally in the line, analogue signal make loudspeaker to move, and it no matter, where DAC located, if the line is short, inside body of TV, or, later. All this optics, is funny stuff, content get to tv wirelessly, and this is ok, but then, audio must be carry on only by optics.. :)  Up to me, you can play this marketing toys, but let an analogue output on TV exist! And BT audio too. So, I just have bought top model TV, this model is not a cheap one. But much less expensive models have an analogue audio out, - this is standad, and can work with BT audio receivers and as well, with BT devices like KBS and mouses with no issues, but 55EG920V, can not, why?
And now, I coming to a masterpiece. About, a week I've been using my TV, and it have lost a BT linkage with MAGIC remote AN-MR600, over 5 times! With no reason. I just coming back to see my TV, and each time found, that connection with remote is lost. I have done a procedure to relink a remote, by pressing home+back for about 5 sec., and then pressing scroll down, to connect it again. After that, I got msg on the screen, "necessary to activate BT service" on TV. And thats all, I can nothing to do with it, except factory reset. There is no such option on TV's menu, to activate BT, and no BT settings at all. There is no even option to do an OS reboot! By the way, OS restart may help. Anyway, I have no more options to restart OS on TV, since no such option in menu, and due to your "talented" engineers have a fucking "great" idea to mount power cable inside a TV without a socket. And each time I get such "bugs", I'm in front of necessity to move my carpet, and then all my furniture, where TV located, and some more furniture, and remove my audio from it, with a lot of wires, and some more accessories, just to get to the fucking socket, to power off TV.. and since remote disconnects 5 times per week, do I have to do it each day? Is it alright? I have a strong temptation to smash that idiots's head, who have got an idea to mount power cable inside tv's body, without a socket. It makes me so angry each time, that it will be an option number one, when I will go to choose my next TV. Why did you do that crap with cable guys? I'm serious, why?
And now, after I paid for that TV over 3K euro, I have:
Remote AN-MR600 continuously have lost a linkage with TV, without any reason. Or, more probably, TV's BT service lost a linkage with remote. Options to fix: - factory reset, I will not do anymore (setup take a lot of my time). Another probable option is os reboot, but it is enought of me to move each time carpet and furniture, and a lot of stuff, to power off TV, and then install all back. Now, my remote doesn't work, and I have nothing to do with this TV. 
No option to connect any audio! No analogue audio output on this tv available, even for headphones. No BT devices, such as BT audio , BT mouse, KDD, available to be used with this tv! To my mind, it no need at all to have an obsolete SCART, and optical out, but it MUST be standard analogue audio out, at least for headphones. If you have no, you MUST let the BT audio stream devices to work with this TV! It is strange to have expensive TV, without an option to connect it to audio system.
No option to reboot OS in menu. If it is possible to do, please, let me know, how to reboot OS, without cut a power off. 
No option to remove TV from its place, without a lot of moves in the room, for example, just to bring it to service, I have to spend hours on moving carpet and furniture, since power cable is mounted into tv's body, instead of just unplug it.
Voice search, comparing to other less expensive tv, working really extremely bad. Horrible. It can't recognize nothing. I just can't use it, even it is set to English. It understand maybe 3%.. comparison to Sony, or Samsung, - all I said understood correctly.
Not enough settings in TVs menu, settings such as BT setup, settings for voice search, restart OS, BT KBD & mouse settings, - there is no such settings at all.
To back my AN-MR600 to life, I have to restore tv to factory settings, each time it lost a linkage, and spend an hours then, to setup and renew all apps, channels, accounts, settings, lang. preferences, connect wifi and pair youtube devices, and so on, which take my time. Do I have to do it with your tv 5 times per week?
I'm using 4g internet from my mobile operator, since it is great speed over 100 mbps, and my mobile phone Samsung Galaxy S6 edge plus, share internet over wifi, to all home devices. Mobile phone becoming a router. But in this mode, all LG Android apps, such as virtual remotes, don't work with TV, - is ask me to swith on wifi on my mob. phone. but in fact, wifi is on, in router mode, sharing internet..
All of it, make a lot of disadvantages for me, with this TV, some of them, I hope, you can fix with a firmware. To my mind, I'm 90% sure, it seems to be a software related problems.  But I would like to have a fast solution for remote, and BT audio, BT mouse and kbd, and for voice search, and apps.
And I have to be objective, and say to you a compliment as well, that OLED screen, is really something wonderful. The best screen ever! No one can do it yet. Thanks for that guys, but please, when you build your TV's, using this beautiful screens, sometimes, think about your customers. It would be nice. Still hoping to connect BT audio kbd and mouse to 55EG920V.., and still have no idea what to do with remote, and voice search and power cable..
P.S. One more reason why I write here, is I can't write to LG's support, using website,and simply write to support, to describe my problem. Direct emails unavailable, only webforms, and this option is unavailable for me on LG.COM website, since I'm redirected each time to local site on latvian Language. What is it? It turns me into Latvian language, which I can not understand! Why? I don't want it. Maybe LG will leave for user an option, to choose a language, user can understand, or at least, will leave an English language option? It seems, like you wouldn't respect you customers at all, by pushing to use unknown language, with no options. And for those, who have spend on your product over 3k euro, and standing infront of troubles, looking for a solution, it is looks not so nice, since you FORCED to speak unknown language, without an options. I would like to tell you, that for about 50% of Latvians, the common language is Russian, please, take that into account. My location, can't push me to speak a language I don't know. Why LG wont respect our language preferences? A lot of people speak Russian here. In Europe, there is more Russian speakers, then Latvian, Lithuanian, or Estonian speakers! And this is your customers making a choise every day. It would be nice, if you will respect your customers language too, or at least, will leave an option, to use English. Leave website on English, if you don't like Russian, but why you pushes me each time to see Latvian, which I can't understand? What is it? Regional settings is not a same as language preferences and settings, isn't it? I still can't use my TV, remote still doesn't works, and looking for support. If I can't get it, I have nothing to do, just return that TV to shop.  
Thank you.


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....in addition to an issues I described earlier, I'm back to do something with this TV yesterday, and found, that all wifi settings disappeared from tv menu. as well, as my wifi network, which was set, and work on this tv. All just gone, with a some menu items. Now, there is an only switch, to on/off wifi, but it not works. Even I try to off it (it is actually in on position), it asks me, do I want to switch it OFF.., I said ok, for example. No changes of switch position on screen. And then, I press it again, to ON, and then it asks me the same, do I want to switch it OFF. Anyway, ON, or OFF, it doesn't effects to anything, wifi doesn't works in any positions. And it seems, some items just gone from this menu. I've been trying yesterday to back wifi to life, but how does that is possible, if there is only one switch for wifi in menu, which doesn't influenced to anything at all. And since it has always asks me, do I want to switch wifi OFF, independent, of my previous selection, and current switch position, I can believe, wifi, always stay on, independence, to my selection with that switch.

So, thats all I have in addition to previous issues. I still can't do nothing with this TV, still can' watch it, after I paid for it over 3k euro, and I still have no answer from support, what do I have to do with all of it, and willyou do something with this fucking crazy software?

I think, I have to film a video, with all troubles, I have with this tv, and post it on youtube. To let you guys see, how many troubles I have got with this TV. If I have a time, I'll do it on weekend.

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No offense Andrew, I understand your indignation, but how much time you have in your country to return the device from which you are not satisfied? And it was cheaper than Samsung? I think so. Mainly for this reason most of people here bought LG. We thought this was a great opportunity, but it's big warm shit that we could fall in love or give it back to the store. However, in spite of everything, we decided to keep them at home. What's wrong with us?  ;)


BTW With pleasure to watch your video.

Support for what country you're interested in?

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In fact, I have to make a decision. I think, I still can return it to it to shop. But I don't know, what will be next? To what I can replace it? I was waiting for OLED 4K tv over then a year, and this was a 1st oled 4k available in my city. As I said before, I have to be objective, and this screen itself if perfect! This screen is the best I've ever seen since plasma... And what is an alternative? Such crap as led, edge led, they have suhd now, this is all pure crap, no matter how call it, and where led backlight located.. All tv which used leds as a backlight, have a clouding. And nothing can compare to oled, to my mind. As for my tv, up to me, it is pure software related problems. I'm just wondering, did LG test firmwares, before let it to update. I still hope to hear any respond from LG. I remember, few years ago, I have bought LG Optimus 3D mobile phone. And it have NEVER ever have updated its Android, only due to its localization, since it was sold for Latvia. Same phones sold in UK, have updated maybe 15, times. but it still keep its Android 2.1 Änd here is the same, I just really hope, someone working at the moment, to do something with its firmware, but, since I got no feedback, regarding it, I can just hope so, and wait a bit more.. Option to replace, can be 960 model, it is about the same, but must have analog audio out (960 is still not available in my city), but anyway, it will have same soft.. Which model is an option to replace that tv to? :)

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Andrew, we're not talking about type of TV - LED, OLED, CRAP. ;) We're talking more about the brand and quality. If you have such problems with LG, replace it for mentioned Samsung or other. Unfortunately I can't help you with right choice, because as you can see I use CRAP LG Dumb TV with fucking shitty OS and now I don't know what OLED and which the brand I could recommend you. But if I had to buy a new TV now, definitely I would choose some Sony or Panasonic. No more LG with useless, experimental beta firmware forever, even if it was studded with diamonds and were able to do blowjob.

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LG have replaced my TV, which was full of bugs to the same model, and I continue to discover new troubles. :) Each time I switch TV on, I'm obligated to go to menu, settings, and ask it to connect to wi-fi network. It can see network, and after I ask to connect to it, it connects, and works fine. It keeps network's password and settings, but it wont connect to wifi by its own, after I switch TV on. Each time, have to go to menu, settings, and forced it to connect... Crap!


Voice search do not recognize nothing I said, (lang. settings was checked) Example: I've been trying to say "Air Crash Investigation" to it, been making that test for about 45 min, and I said that phrase may be thousands of times.. in different manners.. NO ONE single recognition!!!  ZERO! During that test, my samsung S6 mobile, and google voice search on Microsoft Surface, been recognized about maybe 99% I said, but LG's TV result is ZERO! 0%!!! No one single correct result. It sometimes recognized word "investigation" , but instead of "air" it offers anything.. "Ave", "Eye", "On", "Off", "Auu", "Ahh", but not "Air". F*ck.., crappy stupid LG! I've been trying to keep mic far, and closer.., speak slow, and faster, concentrate to pronounce each sound clear.. I'm sorry, there is NO VOICE SEARCH on LG tv available! I would like to repeat, that my other home devices understood ALL I said.


And now coming to a master crap..As I said before, there is no audio out in this TV at all, and it wont works with any BT audio receivers. Ok, it was clear. Sure, with replaced TV all crap remains the same. But I was prepared to that crap, and have bought optical to analog audio converter, and since TV has an input/OUTPUT SCART  socket available(with adapter), and SCART output may provide audio, I have bought additional adaptor for SCART, to get analog audio signal from it.., - and BOTH options was with no success. And it was LAST option to get audio signal from this TV. There is no audio signal from SCART (and no such option in menu), and from optics coming really crappy sound, with only middle frequencies, in about 1kHz (no high and low frqs), and volume level can't be controlled from TV's remote.. it just coming on maximum volume.


So, it is unable to use it, and there is NO AUDIO OPTIONS on this TV. (I've been tested optic to analog audio converter with other equipment, - it works fine) I just want to know, WHAT have those guys, who have made this product, (using really beautiful screen - the screen is best ever!), and TV, - is a crap, I've ever seen! And I still want to ask those stupid idiot, who have an idea, to build power cord inside TV's body, without any socket, - why did you do that? I think, LG MUST pay troubles, which made to their poor customers, who is in front of obligations to test their WET top-end models, which unable to do nothing 400 Euro price Samsung can. And I still not sure, LG will read and do something to fix it. Since I remember bad experience with one LG product, I had before (mobile LG Optimus 3D), which was never update Android, and was full of bugs.., and LG do nothing. Now, I will wait for new firmware for this TV, and if it all remains the same, I'll return that crap to shop again, and that's enough of me.

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Eric, have you tried any Bluetooth audio with it? I'm looking now of its BT specifications, or requirements, to buy BT audio receiver which is fully matches to its requirements, but even LG Latvia can't say anything about it yet. I hope, they will do later. Maybe someone know, where to find full specification on this TV? I don't know Eric, does it depends on region.., maybe a 'little bit different firmwares., but local LG confirmed, that issues with remote controller and wifi disconnects, and with audio, is not a single. Some more people have returned that TVs... and they confirmed, all that issues, except audio, will be solved in a very few days, within a new firmware.. For me no problem to wait some more days for it, and check. Anyway, the replaced one works much more better.., no yet issues with remote.., and wifi finally works too, after I forced it to do. Now I find, that youtube app sometimes crashes. I hope, that all will be solved on a new firmware.., but the major trouble I have something to do with..,  is to connect audio.

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I have the same tv.

Can confirm problems with wi-fi connectivity.

Can confirm TV will not connect to a Bluetooth receiver. (Seems like only LG wireless audio will connect)

I also have two yellow vertical lines across the screen when watching bright content (white and grey)

Would love to have a HBO app.

Would like these issues solved.

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the lines in the tv dont are okay i  dont have it i think your screen is broke.

also wifi works fine for me but always better to use a cable if posible wifi sucks Always (:

i dont have seen this tv supports bluetooth!

but  why you want that bluetooth shit if you better van use quality speakers and connect that receiver  with hdmi

to the tv to listen to high quality music .

if you complain about quality things but use bluetooth stuff then i think thats strange





for the rest the 920v is the best tv ever made  to watch but needs a good homecinema set


but i also must say that support lg sucks!!!!

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"for the rest the 920v is the best tv ever made  to watch but needs a good homecinema set" - agree 100%  The screen itself is the best I ever seen.. but equipment and "brains"...  Interesting fact, that 920 model, which is cheaper then 960, supports hdr hdmi signal, which is a huge advantage over 960, which dose not. But on 960, there is an analogue audio output. 


"but i also must say that support lg sucks!!!!" 100% agree with you. They do not know nothing about their products. No direct contact to thouse, who knows. Still no answers, to any of my emails.. User manual is bla-bla-bla.. a huge book, how to power on tv.., and so on..  Zero specificatipns in onternet or user manual, - for example, what kind of wifi standart is supported? "n" standart only, or "ac", does 5gHz suported, what is a BT protocol, and so on...zero info., In LG Latvia, they dont know nothing about is. And I'm complitelly confused, by LG's website, which is FORCED me to use unknown language, with no option to do something with it, and swith to English at least.. That is horrable.


"but  why you want that bluetooth shit if you better van use quality speakers and connect that receiver  with hdmi to the tv to listen to high quality music" - This is a good question. Mayby, I'm not not familiar with some options of HDMI, I know, it can carry on up to 32 audio chanels, within it, in its version hdmi 2.0 , and less in v.1.4 BUT, all I can see this TV has a hdmi INPUTS ONLY, and as I can understand, the master device, in this case, acting a signal sourcing device.., a playstation, or br player.. what ever.., but not the TV.  If I'm wrong about it, please correct me. In LG, they can't answer to me on this question, - maybe some chanes from TV is sending over hdmi, even it is an "input" port?


"i dont have seen this tv supports bluetooth!" again good question about its specification. In LG Latvia, they said nothing about it does not. But since there is an option in menu, to connect bt aidio....     and since remote controller an-mr600 use bluetooth..,  and since I have got messages on it, that I have to activede bluetooth services on it, when I had troubles with remote...   I beleve, it does have a bt.


I know, BT was not the best option for aidio, but since, no more options... I have to discover that one. Anyway, since bt 4.1 apt-x for low latency, and some more features, and an options to send non compressed sound, it is coming to a good level. As for audio system, I don't want to buy soundbars, and all that plastic crap.., and dont want to use 5.1 or 7.1 audio, since I have my good studio monitors



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...if some more options to connect it, some one can advice, I will discover it, with a lot of thanks..but now, I still can listen only TV's inner speakers.. LG still give no answer.. They even don't know, what LG soundbar will work with it, - can you inagine! )))))  Please, buy our audio, whi don't know which one will work with it, and will it work at all, but you can try.. but all models we have and test it.. ))  - seems, this is LG.., - we don't know nothing, buy and try..

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Hi Andrew

your  speakers looking great (*: you dont use a  booster right now whats your stup?

the lg tv have a hdmi with arc function that means (audio return channel) you can use that to  get audio back  if you like.

But i use a -Denon-AVR-2000 receiver with a suround set from qacoustic  and my tv connected as monitor

i send al audio from pc  over hdmi to my receiver

and i uise the optical out from tv to my receiver for use of netflix or tv audio.

it seems my 55eg920v dont use hdr on this mom and  still waiting answere lg

i hope after a firmware update.

only diff about hdmi 2.0 and 1.4 is the speed the 2.0 hdmi cable support 60hz when choosen 4k

when you want hdmi 2.0 you need to look at 1.4 high speed cable

but mos strange thing i have seen is that this  tv supports 4096 by 2160 pixels whats is 4k but everybody Always talks about 3840 by 2160 pixels

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Some more updates... Since I still got no promised firmware update from LG, I called to them again, asking, when it finally will be released and updated. My current firm version is 03.01.25 on replaced TV, and LG support said to me, that tis is very, very, old version, and it should be updated 3 of 4 times. I forced my TV to check for available updates manually, in regular manner, and in addition, there is a checkbox for auto updates is set.. But it always show to me, that I'm using last version! I just remember my LG Optimus 3D mobile phone, - it was a 100% the same crap, - no updates EVER!


It seems to me, all that issues it can be related, that LG is totally confused between Region (location settings), and Language preferences. Seems, they think, it always MUST be the same, and if you from Latvia, your language must be Latvian. Crap! And all that crap, possibly, may influence on checking of available updates. I'm not sure about it, but think, it maybe a reason. LG's support man said he will send me new firm, so I can update it via USB, but then, he called to me, and said, that due to corporate policy, he unable to send it, and service man will come to me, to update it.. I still waiting... :)


As for my setup Eric, yes, I'm planning to use only a pair of that active monitors, without a sub. And as for arc, - yes, thanks for that advice, I'm discovering that option too.., but now I'm more concentrated on BT, since the volume can be also controlled via remote (in my setup) in this case.


And finally, I got an answer from Korea, regarding this TV's "Brains" and supported protocols, it may be interesting to other owners, check it out:


55EG920V.AEE is using TWCM-B001D (WI-FI & BT Combo board) 

It is small size and low power module for IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n wireless LAN & BT 4.0 + HS.
TWCM-B001D is based on Broadcom BCM43242 solution.


This is how this board looks like, and it is common combo board, on Broadcom BCM43242, and it seems it MUST be solution to make it work with standart BT 4.0 Audio receivers.


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I filmed some videos for LG to show troubles with this TS's software, which is FULL of bugs. They wont do nothing. No reaction. I'm waiting they will do something with it, since a date it was purchased. Nothing. They dont have a time to test it, and I understand, that my information was not passed to engineers. Crap, I'm tired with this TV. Holydays I was unable to see it.. I can share with you some videos, I've made for LG. Anyway, they didn't watched it, - I monitored stats on youtube. Since a date of purchase, this is a crappy bugfull bullshit, with beautiful screen, I don't know, what to do with it..



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    • By Željko2
      Hello everyone.
      I own a TV LG oled65c31la.aeu. I am interested in whether it is planned in the next firmware updates to return to multiview the
      option of displaying two live channels (antenna dvt2), as it was earlier in webos 2.
      Previously, a buffer was created in which terrestrial channels were saved, from where they were marked for display.
      Thank you.
    • By News Reporter
      While the appearance of most appliances rarely changes, the television’s aesthetic is constantly evolving through its vibrant display. Positioned prominently in most people’s living rooms, the TV serves as a window to another world, transforming the space into a stadium one moment and providing panoramic views of the great outdoors the next. The atmosphere of the room often hinges on the placement of this essential device.

      To ensure their design complements any room, LG’s latest lineup of TVs boasts a thinner form and slimmer bezels, providing complete immersion whether watching shows, films or playing games. These efforts extend to reducing the number of cables to eliminate clutter and visual distractions around the screen. Additionally, LG has paid close attention to the design of peripheral devices, such as soundbars, to ensure they harmonize with the room’s overall aesthetic. The driving force behind this new design direction is a deeper appreciation for people’s ever-evolving daily lives. Nowadays, people invest considerable time and effort into the layout and design of their homes, often seeking ways to place their TV in locations that better match their lifestyle, rather than simply following its conventional placement in the living room. The TV is evolving in response to emerging trends, more diverse lifestyles and consumers’ changing needs.
      Photo credit (from left to right): the_starship from reddit (Model: OLED65G1), @zzomae_home (Model: OLED65A2MNA)
      More Thoughtful Living Spaces
      Naturally integrating a large TV screen into its surroundings can be challenging. While most large TVs tend to dominate the design of a living space, a large LG TV complements the interior, adding unique design elements that enhance depth and ambiance.
      Photo credit (from left to right): @na.g__2 (model: OLED65B1VNA), Nice_Implement_2594 from reddit (model: OLED77G1)
      The best decorated living rooms all have one thing in common: a TV that naturally integrates with the rest of the space under a unifying theme. To help home designers achieve this, LG OLED TVs fit flush to the wall like a picture frame, transforming the space to resemble an art gallery when placed centrally. These designs utilize the TV as a focal point to set the tone and evoke desired emotions, clearly emphasizing the TV as the ‘main character’ without compromising the room’s elegance and identity. This is why LG emphasizes the ‘essentials’ when designing LG OLED TVs, focusing on the inherent value of the TV in everyday life to create designs that bring people closer to their dream home.
      Photo credit (from left to right): @twetwe_maison (model: OLED65G1), @today_daisy_ (model: 55LX1QKNA)
      Seamlessly Blending into Living Spaces
      Today’s TVs must be able to blend into their surroundings. While large-screen TVs often look best mounted on the wall, small and medium-sized TVs can be placed anywhere in the room to match the user’s lifestyle.
      TV stands are providing people with the freedom to position their TVs where design and functionality are maximized. The simple yet elegant LG OLED Gallery Stand1 accentuates content by resembling a canvas on an easel. Similar to the LG OLED Objet Collection Posé, this design frees up space and can serve as a room partition, offering new perspectives on interior design with a back that doesn’t need to be hidden away.
      Flawless Designs Pay Attention to Unseen Elements
      As lifestyles diversify and spaces expressing individuality increase, LG is innovating TVs that consider every design element, even the parts that are normally out of sight like the back of the TV. This helps them blend naturally into any space and achieve an unmatched sense of ‘harmony.’ To strike the ideal balance between elegance and functionality, every ornament and piece of furniture, including the TV, must harmonize under one concept. This desire for ‘harmony’ in the home is bringing exterior elements, such as natural light and natural materials, into the home as if they were seamlessly flowing from the outside to the inside. This is known as the “biophilic” design trend.
      This image was created to aid understanding
      A ‘biophilic’ décor incorporates natural materials like stone, wood and metal while utilizing nature’s most iconic colors and textures, appealing to our innate connection to the natural world. This emerging concept promotes the use of large windows to fill the house with natural light and the ‘planterior’ trend, which employs plants to elevate the ambiance, transforming the interior into a natural space for healing and relaxation. LG’s new design direction for its TVs aligns with ‘biophilic’ values, emphasizing visual comfort in a natural setting.
      To keep pace with these trends and accommodate lifestyle changes, LG recognized the need to focus on details it had previously overlooked. This is why LG has redesigned the back panel of its TVs.
      This image was created to aid understanding
      Inspired by the tranquility found in nature, LG added a rustic sensibility to the LG OLED evo C4’s modern design with the ‘Statement Stone’ pattern. This feature mimics the look and texture of stone, adding depth and elegance to the space, while its natural ‘Umber Brown’ shade reinvents the back panel with a warm, nature-inspired tone. The emotions this design evokes harmonize with emerging trends, such as the ‘biophilic’ concept.
      This image was created to aid understanding
      The stand design, which has also evolved to suit different usage environments, is no different. With stands evolving with new TV designs, LG added a height adjustment function to some stands.2 Although this may seem minor at first glance, its impact goes beyond expectations by allowing nearby devices, such as soundbars, to be positioned in a way that harmonizes with the TV as well as users’ diverse lifestyles.
      This image was created to aid understanding
      The same principles have been applied to the LG OLED M, the world’s first wireless OLED TV.3 To conceal peripheral devices and neatly organize the device’s cables, LG has removed every wire except the power cable with its Zero Connect Box,4 which wirelessly transmits video and audio to keep the area around the TV simple and clutter-free. By implementing a design that considers hidden, easily missed design details, the LG OLED M gives homeowners the opportunity to curate a space for their distinctive lifestyles.
      By aiming for design perfection down to the smallest details, LG is developing TVs that naturally merge with the interior design without losing sight of the essential elements that make a TV so important in everyday life.
      To learn more about how the LG HE Design Lab is providing new experiences that fit unique lifestyle with only the essentials, stay tuned to
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      1 LG OLED Gallery Stand requires separate purchase.
      2 Applies to LG OLED evo G4 55/65 models.
      3 The phrase “world’s first wireless OLED” refers to OLED televisions with 120Hz 4k connectivity.
      4 The TV and Zero Connect Box both require a power connection during operation.

    • By Dann
      Bonjour à tous
      Je viens d'acquérir une tv LG oled 48c3 que je veux brancher sur une barre de sons Sennheiser ambeo mini.
      Côté Sennheiser c'est assez simple, mais de celui de lg c'est plus compliqué, vu toutes les possibilités de réglages .
      Sur la tv LG une sortie eHDMI que je branche sur entré eHDMI de la barre de sons.
      Le son ne sort pas sur celle-ci qui est en marche.
      Je pense qu'il y-a un réglage que je ne sais pas faire, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider? 
    • By News Reporter
      As the mobility industry shifts towards software-defined vehicles (SDVs), the importance of automotive displays continues to grow. Advanced display technology is already enhancing in-car infotainment systems and user experiences by presenting drivers with a wealth of vehicle and road-related information, while offering passengers an array of entertaining content.
      The trend of incorporating larger and more numerous displays within vehicles, often referred to as ‘screenification,’ is elevating the convenience, safety and enjoyment of vehicle occupants, while also influencing vehicle cabin design. OLED panels, known for their superior image quality and unmatched flexibility (both literally and in terms of design), are increasingly being adopted in the premium auto segment.
      Market research firm Omdia projects that by 2030, one out of every two information display units used in premium vehicles will be an OLED panel. Several global automakers are now equipping their high-end models with large, high-resolution displays to meet customers’ evolving expectations and preferences. With their stunning colors, clarity and contrast, OLED panels are raising the bar for automotive displays and are expected to drive the market’s continued expansion.

      OLED technology makes it possible to create large, curved and flexible screens for use in digital cockpits. In response to the auto industry’s increasing interest in premium displays, the R&D laboratory at LG’s Vehicle component Solutions (VS) Company has recently developed an algorithm for its in-vehicle OLED displays that compensates for any visual distortion related to viewing angle. This advanced technology, first showcased at Display Week 2024, ensures that LG’s automotive OLED screens deliver consistent brightness and distortion-free colors from practically any angle. As a result, drivers can now see images and text more clearly across all parts of the display, enhancing safety by reducing the time needed to check on-screen information.
      LG’s new technology overcomes the viewing-angle limitations typically associated with large, curved OLED displays. Currently, LG is the only automotive display supplier to have developed an algorithm that corrects these particular issues and is now in the process of commercializing this innovation.
      Research into flexible OLED automotive displays has been a major focus for LG VS Company’s R&D laboratory over the past year. Kim Kyung-lack, vice president of Display Development at LG VS Company, noted that due to extensive and ongoing efforts, LG is able to offer a wide range of automotive displays leveraging next-generation technology to deliver outstanding performance. Since 2022, LG has been developing advanced in-vehicle displays and now boasts an impressive portfolio of solutions, including screens with rollable, flexible and foldable form factors. The company’s diverse offerings provide automakers with more choices when designing vehicle interiors and offer vehicle users a richer, more varied in-car experience.
      Beyond automotive displays and components such as EV motors and smart lamps, LG VS Company offers cutting-edge in-vehicle software platforms and solutions. This software integrates seamlessly with the company’s display products to form a complete in-car experience solution, adding significant value for automakers seeking to enhance the functionality of their existing infotainment systems.
      Through its innovative solutions for vehicles, LG is accelerating the arrival of the SDV era and playing a leading role in redefining the future of mobility.
      To learn more about LG’s advanced automotive display products, visit
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