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Everything posted by hskeik

  1. (ولله يسجد من في السماوات والأرض طوعا وكرها وظلالهم بالغدو والآصال) [الرعد:15] https://t.co/ADNvOXecpv

  2. (ويستجيب الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات ويزيدهم من فضله والكافرون لهم عذاب شديد) [الشورى:26] https://t.co/ADNvOXecpv

  3. (فإنما يسرناه بلسانك لتبشر به المتقين وتنذر به قوما لدا) [مريم:97] https://t.co/ADNvOXecpv

  4. Ramadan mubarak (Blessed fast) for you too bro, my version is the same as yours, but the webos in LG tvs needs so many work and development, look at the smart tvs of LG 2013, much better and more apps and more functions and features. so bad LG, hope they'll update our TVs. P.S. is this forum official ?
  5. Twitter app not working, facebook so wea, there's no sharing. in Samsung there's a smart social feature, where you can send a tweet while watching match.
  6. WebOS is soooo bad choice, I really regretful after buying it? there's no record from HDMI, there's no PIP, there's no sync sound to smartphones,there's no apps, just a few that are weak. smart share is far of smarting, it's stupid share, can't share my laptop screen wireless even I tried many ways. any plans to update ? is this forum official ? or we just dream here ? is LG listening to us ?
  7. it's not smart at all, it's even stupid. can't share laptop screen with it, tried all the ways.
  8. WebOS is soooo bad choice, I really regretful after buying it? there's no record from HDMI, there's no PIP, there's no sync sound to smartphones,there's no apps, just a few that are weak. any plans to update ?
  9. it seems that webos is beta now, so many features are not complete. so regretful to buy LG with webos
  10. RT @ThkernyBelsiam: أخي الصائم...!لا تغفل عند فطورك عن ...1.البسملة2.الدعاء2.ترديد الأذان

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