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Everything posted by rendi

  1. Does anyone have experience with recording (PVR) through programming (EPG) with webOS on LG LB671V models? Is the film a title recorded by name from the EPG or by the name of the program and the moment you start recording? Can a movie which was recorded: a) change the name move to another folder c) can you put the Read Only attribute to the movie?
  2. Ima li netko iskustva sa snimanjem (PVR) preko programiranja (EPG) s webos na LG LB671V modelima ? Je li snimljeni film imenovam prema imenu iz EPG-a ili prema nazivu programu i trenutku početka snimanja ? Može li se snimljeni film: a) preinemenovati premjestiti u drugu mapu 3) može li se staviti RO atribut na film ?
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