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Everything posted by ebr9999

  1. The field depends on the model number (e.g, also the size). You have to find a variance of you model you have not indicated. But first of all, you should check that ToolOPT6_Energy/Country can be modified. As reported, on my Croatian C1 I can (but the feature is already enabled), but on Italian C1 , I cannot.
  2. Digit in your TV web browser webosapp.club/ezadjust accept connection and digit 0413 Be aware that LG declare that accessing those kind of menu voids warranty.
  3. Ya, My C1 is imported from Croazia. So I have not even to look for a code (anyhow risky). I could get the code for my C2, but no way. I have posted for suggestions about how changing that field, but I could not get any feedback
  4. Before wasting time finding a foreign TV (with the same hw) with that feature enabled, have you checked if the field can be modified? On my C1 it is possible, but on my C2 it isn't.
  5. That Orange field (from SM/etzadjust) I can click for modification on my C1, but I cannot on my C2. Any hint about how I can achieve that? Background: my goal is enabling PVR/TS, enabled on my 65C1, but disabled on my 42C2. I know it is risky, but copying the value of the same model with those features should achieve that, as discussed here:
  6. I have got from a friend the code for his OLED42C21LA: I have tried to update the code on my one, but I cannot select it for modification (on my C1 I can). I have FW 03.30.16. Is that common to C2? If somebody can test, it would be helpful. Any idea I can enable SM/ToolOPT6_Energy/country for modification?
  7. Still on this question: I am looking for a "ToolOPT6_Energy/Country" code with enabled PVR/TS for my OLED42C26LB. Here what I have there: Some of you may be interested to "ToolOPT6_Energy/Country" code of my OLED65C11LB: It is a non Italian model. I could enable PVR/TS by changing broadcasting position to Austria and getting back to Italian LCN. Here the procedure I have used: https://www.avmagazine.it/forum/127-display-e-tv-4k-e-8k/326568-attivazione-timeshift-e-registrazione-su-oled-lg-quot-stranieri-quot In case you are interest you are interested, you have only to translate and change ITA with your country. It is generic and it should work.
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