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Everything posted by philotas

  1. I could not make it work from macOs so I ended up doing it from a virtual Ubuntu (64 Bit) in Parallels Desktop... I am sure it will work with any other VM like VirtualBox as well.
  2. I followed these steps to prepare my LG TV and it all worked fine: https://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/getting-started/developer-mode-app However I cannot push IPK to tv or just list stuff: I am getting this error when calling: ares-device-info --device tv2 outputs: ares-device-info ERR! [syscall failure]: read ENOTCONN Any ideas? I can ping the TV just fine and getting the key from the TV also worked but connection fail... I am using macOS 12.16 and the TV is using webOS 4.9... I also tried different node versions (v8.17.0 and v17.3.0) Any ideas?
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