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Vivek Gautam

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Everything posted by Vivek Gautam

  1. i am using hlc to play streaming video and .m3u8 video in webos emulator 3.0 and in firefox. In firefox video is showing and working fine but in webos it is not showing anything. only getting current time and duration. what change does i need for webos emulator 3.0. factory('playVideoFactory', function (SessionData) { var i = 0; return { playVideoFunc: function (type, path, callBack, clearIntervalCallBackFunc) { if (Hls.isSupported()) { console.log("hls is supported"); var video = document.getElementById(type); var hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(path); hls.attachMedia(video); console.log("hls"); hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function () { video.play(); }); var videoDurationInfo = setInterval(function () { callBack(video.duration, video.currentTime); }, 1000); clearIntervalCallBackFunc(videoDurationInfo) } else { console.log("hls is not supported"); } } } })
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