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Status Updates posted by jayjardim

  1. @_PennyMachine_ Apple provides about 5% of Intels annual revenue . (last paragraph) https://t.co/YCJL0IajJT

  2. @BillyCrystal How many have you you watched Princess Bride? 1 of my fav movies. Enjoyed it as a kid and now with my kids Thx 4 gr8 memories

  3. @FultonCoSchools grow an effin set of balls - it’s 6:10pm. At least time box your “experiment”. Can you do that… https://t.co/G6EFAqAYC5

  4. @Hall_Schools Please don’t roll back food guidelines. Our kids deserve better! There’s a real problem of child obesity @realDonaldTrump

  5. @JeffFlake Awesome speech!!! I respect you greatly - Thank you

  6. @JerrySeinfeld Did you ever have Sunshine Superman by Donovan playing in a Seinfeld episode?

  7. @JMurray247 Are these the same teachers @GOP thinks are over paid? Same @GOP that always cut budgets at school? I… https://t.co/3KuAhm6RhY

  8. @KibblesNBits Just sent a dm

  9. @KibblesNBits My dog wants me to tell you she dislikes black and brown pieces. Only wants the red balls and orange… https://t.co/a2VSCeBpji

  10. @KobaltTools is there some button combination to make this work again. Started dying with 2 lights left - now won’… https://t.co/ghnlwhjr51

  11. @mledford I know you put the watch on your dog. Not fooling anyone ;)

  12. @OTCBryce @realsheepwolf $ECEZ gonna move

  13. @otcdynamics @realsheepwolf nice $rnva

  14. @RepTrentFranks Wow!! You really sounded silly on CNN. The same old rhetoric from your party just a different face. very unAmerican!

  15. @schwa I laugh at ppl using their phone & surfing the web while pissing in a URINAL. Shit man.. I never wanna be THAT busy.

  16. @seanhannity Looks like you've gotten fat these days. You should try running or eating less. What's your BMI?

  17. @usamso you really need a developer to help out here. You have one of the worst UX's I've ever seen. Siting with 6 parents trying to use it

  18. Anyone in SF wanna have a beer?? iOS ppl to front of the line https://t.co/IvH14ASTS1

  19. Boiled Peanuts - some SF friends may not know what they are. They are good… Cajun style https://t.co/g7h52Q3JzC

  20. Dam it!!! Out of mustard… I just got started… I’ll barely tase the mustard… @Frenchs @originalnathans https://t.co/ealFUm7Ib4

  21. Even Apple has autolayout issues every now and again I see https://t.co/9vjEzU2Tic

  22. How to a Watermelon for maximum Mellon Pieces. This also leaves minimum melon juice all over the counter. https://t.co/02hHXKbW51

  23. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve clicked on “page 2” of a Google search. Page 2 has to be a lonely place these days

  24. I still can't get over Cornell. Shit Man - Blind Melon, Alice In Chains, Sublime, Nirvana, STP. Left standing is @mjkeenan and @PearlJam

  25. I think the next dog we get I’m gonna name Roomba. @iRobot

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