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Status Updates posted by lloydengland

  1. RT @1mikeowen: We've got to stop producing stuff that people don't want @gerrymcgovern #ConCon5 #GovContent https://t.co/rnzt64jGuM

  2. RT @amolrajanBBC: A deaf baby hears for the first time. Thousands of hours of patient experimentation went into this. Science is glory http…

  3. RT @banterability: I feel terrible for journalists who invest time and effort into doing a hard job well only to have it presented like thi…

  4. RT @benterrett: Six years ago today we released the GDS Design Principles. Following principles 5 + 10, iteration and making them open has…

  5. RT @DefraDigital: "Lets fund teams, not projects". Read our new blog post https://t.co/g07FWyZuLL

  6. RT @DWPDigital: ‘We want to make digital something that we are, rather than something that we do’ Great post by @J0n_0sb0rn https://t.co/F…

  7. RT @ernstdecsey: "How we moved from a 123,000+ to a 5,000 pages #intranet" https://t.co/rcydYmuCF8 by @DennisAgusi

  8. RT @gdsteam: A hidden benefit of user-centred design? "It makes teams happier and more motivated," says @HODigital: https://t.co/Lmsn7WmlB5…

  9. RT @gdsteam: GOV.UK has a lot of content: more than 300,000 items. How do you go about grouping those in meaningful ways? https://t.co/jJw3…

  10. RT @grescoe: "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation." —@EnriquePenalos…

  11. RT @hammondazizsays: "Digital is not IT". Absolutely agree @helso81, it is about people, about the business, operating in a world full of t…

  12. RT @JimHandman: New research shows explaining things to ‘normal’ people can help scientists be better at their jobs https://t.co/4eaOLxbRht…

  13. RT @ncremins: Current state of my inbox: We’ve updated our privacy policy. We’ve updated our privacy policy. We’ve updated our privacy po…

  14. RT @onehampton: After 4 rides on @ofo_bicycleUK's new dockless bikes, here's my review... https://t.co/eU8lnvN0V5 @RichmondCycling https://…

  15. RT @pdjstone: The new £1 coin: 4% larger, 12% thinner, 8% lighter, improved security and still no headphone jack

  16. RT @simondevonshire: Delighted to be delivering my first lecture as Entrepreneur in Residence for @NPL https://t.co/JWFf4n1qom

  17. RT @verge: Google shut down Burger King's cunning TV ad https://t.co/coU0dPkjRo https://t.co/EPYqLrSqeA

  18. RT @xkcdComic: Digital Resource Lifespan https://t.co/v0zRGykijv https://t.co/xdIq2OLfk6 https://t.co/nbaSmk66AI

  19. RT @nick_eubanks: This is *seriously* good >> Growing a Social Following from Nothing: My Social Media Strategy @matthewbarby http://t.co/A…

  20. When you get into work late on the day they're handing out new website addresses... https://t.co/p5sF6QcPJP

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