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  1. RT @onehampton: After 4 rides on @ofo_bicycleUK's new dockless bikes, here's my review... https://t.co/eU8lnvN0V5 @RichmondCycling https://…

  2. RT @ncremins: Current state of my inbox: We’ve updated our privacy policy. We’ve updated our privacy policy. We’ve updated our privacy po…

  3. @curdybirdy You can send it to my email here: [email protected] - Thanks a lot!

  4. RT @benterrett: Six years ago today we released the GDS Design Principles. Following principles 5 + 10, iteration and making them open has…

  5. @dugboticus Thanks, that's great. I'll keep an eye out and try to sign up to the next one before it gets sold out! :)

  6. Me quoted in the @RTT with my @onehampton hat on. All part of a campaign to give a voice to the local community ove… https://t.co/uZ2qyEOKaw

  7. @FitbitUK uh oh! Anyone got any super glue? :( https://t.co/whuXyE8EXG

  8. @itvhub @AmazonHelp Hi, trying to watch Take Me Out on ITV Hub+ on Amazon Prime in the UK, and the episode descript… https://t.co/EfOe2I9mVi

  9. When you get into work late on the day they're handing out new website addresses... https://t.co/p5sF6QcPJP

  10. @geofftech @TfL Heard it on the 111 yesterday. At first I thought the driver manually did it to me. Then I slowly r… https://t.co/jfabVZJ9yr

  11. @HTC_UK My HTC 10's battery only lasts about 4hrs while using it. Do you offer any sort of battery replacement?

  12. RT @grescoe: "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation." —@EnriquePenalos…

  13. RT @JimHandman: New research shows explaining things to ‘normal’ people can help scientists be better at their jobs https://t.co/4eaOLxbRht…

  14. RT @xkcdComic: Digital Resource Lifespan https://t.co/v0zRGykijv https://t.co/xdIq2OLfk6 https://t.co/nbaSmk66AI

  15. RT @banterability: I feel terrible for journalists who invest time and effort into doing a hard job well only to have it presented like thi…

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