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Posts posted by swenak

  1. I tested this and have new information. It seems, that when I turn on aTV with SiriRemote and then turn off aTV with SiriRemote, or Remote.app, aTV sending correctly CEC command and TV turned off. But, when I turn on aTV with IrDa remote (I use Logitech Harmony) or from Remote.app on iPhone, so SiriRemote is not connected to aTV (is in sleep mode) and then I turn off aTV from Remote.app on iPhone, aTV not send CEC command to TV. It seems, that if SiriRemote is connected to aTV, it works, because when I turn on aTV from Remote.app or with IrDa remote and then connect SiriRemote (press something) and then turn off aTV from Remote.app, it turning TV off . But, when SiriRemote is not connected, it not work. What I dont know is, what is happend, when aTV go to sleep automaticaly without command from SiriRemote, or Remote.app. I will test it.

  2. I have 55eg9a7v with Apple TV 4k and CEC not working correctly. Sometimes not turn on TV, when I turn on Apple TV. Same problem (for me bigger), that when Apple go to sleep, or I turned it off, LG TV leave on. I must wait 20minutes to automaticaly TV turn off, but 20minutes I see stupid screensaver. I must say, that same problems was before with Apple TV 4 and Sony KDL 8xx. Sony have problem with own bluray too. It seems, that standard HDMI-CEC is standard only on paper, and each manufaturer only support own devices, but sometimes own devices not working too.  I dont know, which combination of TV and MMC to buy for 100% HDMI-CEC. I want only 2 funcions - turn ON TV after MMC is turned ON and Turn TV off, when MMC stop playing movie and is turned automaticaly off.

  3. Hi,

    I have 55EG9A7V and I have few problems (except fact, that 2017 TV have 2 years old webOS 2.2).

    1) It seems, that if I stop playing DLNA source, or pause in SmartShare, it turn on screensaver, but not automaticaly turning TV off after short period (like period without signal is). I know, that I wat to inactivity period, but it is minimal 4 hours of burning OLED display and power consumption. Is any chance to change it?

    2) If I use TV only as DLNA player with SmartShare (so, without HDMI or live source), after each power on, I must close question, If I want to open inputs list (or wait 20 seconds). Can I disable it?

    3) When I play videos from DLNA server, after each video end, it start next video. Is any chance to play only one video and after it end, TV start screensaver - and/or turn off - as is in point 1)?

    4) Inactivity period is 4 hours minimal. Can I change it to 1hour, or 30min, or so?


    PS: Maybe something can I change im service menu, but I cannot find, how.

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