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Status Updates posted by zipleen

  1. Portuguese ISP Shows What The Net Looks Like Without Net Neutrality - @MEOpt https://t.co/6h1kMq31vg

  2. Readdle Adds Drag & Drop Between Its Apps on iPad, Releases Major Update to Documents for iOS [Video] https://t.co/5rcvlkwmTu

  3. RT @alenkomljen: If you install @Docker from Edge channel on Mac #Kubernetes is just one click away https://t.co/izp2pPc8Dp

  4. RT @bbcthree: just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/1zoOGFKeU3

  5. RT @ClipperChip: RT if you ever went through this ordeal (please honest RTs) https://t.co/C9bMSeCvoF

  6. RT @cultofmac: This is pretty jaw-dropping, especially at the end when the camera turns around. https://t.co/zw40nVbysL

  7. RT @DSMeu: Major step towards #selfdriving cars in Europe. 29 countries agreed to launch cross-border test https://t.co/5R0wShnsn1 #driverl…

  8. RT @duumb: [wheel of fortune] me: id like to buy a vowel pat: arent u a millenial me: [sigh] id like to rent a vowel

  9. RT @elonmusk: Fly to most places on Earth in under 30 mins and anywhere in under 60. Cost per seat should be… https://t.co/dGYDdGttYd

  10. RT @elonmusk: Regarding the meeting at the White House: https://t.co/8b1XH4oW6h

  11. RT @elonmusk: View from SpaceX Launch Control. Apparently, there is a car in orbit around Earth. https://t.co/QljN2VnL1O

  12. RT @Eurovision: Salvador Sobral takes the trophy for Portugal🇵🇹 at the #ESC2017 #Eurovision #CelebrateDiversity https://t.co/mdXkWO3f8S

  13. RT @jantalipinski: The best answer to this question was given on Reddit several years ago https://t.co/cv7SDcAK1v

  14. RT @mikko: Oh wow. That's REALLY thinking outside the box. https://t.co/sBLr5a4UAh

  15. RT @neiltyson: His passing has left an intellectual vacuum in his wake. But it's not empty. Think of it as a kind of vacuum energy permeati…

  16. RT @nikitonsky: JSON is the only serialization format you’ll ever need (pics by @gritzko) https://t.co/bS0yGUaz8U

  17. RT @nixcraft: me_irl https://t.co/1Uzstxa1Xg

  18. RT @pedrocs: The news website to follow right now. https://t.co/0zDe8WGLAU

  19. RT @Recode: Bitcoin is at $10K — and that’s just the beginning of how it will revolutionize money https://t.co/yjGqBtRH17 https://t.co/OnEU…

  20. RT @scottsantens: Millions of people lost power in Florida and it's illegal for people with solar panels to use them because lobbying. http…

  21. RT @taoofmac: Stealing Apple ID passwords on iOS by just asking https://t.co/WHWPL5WsUF https://t.co/YVuHZRsgFl

  22. RT @TheNabx: Beauty #sysadmin #HomeLab #networks @nixcraft @MeetspaceIT @Cisco https://t.co/bbcCYCSpiw

  23. RT @ThePracticalDev: Debugging in production https://t.co/kzNZDjkShX

  24. RT @TheRegister: VW engineer sent to the clink for three years for emission-busting code https://t.co/Tq47f169mw

  25. RT @verge: Nintendo discontinues the NES Classic Edition https://t.co/hODBqH8bKj https://t.co/seMW77FD6N

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