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Everything posted by Tommieberry

  1. Also, if you look up the requirements for HULU it also requires Flash and the LG TV has a built in app to support it. So the TV cpu speed is not an issue.
  2. I solved the problem with a $99 Windows 10 dongle by Lenovo. It works great and all the Windows 10 browsers support flash, even though it is going away. Just because something is obsolete, does not mean a product can ignore all the legacy sites. This TV's processor should be able to handle flash, it is not a speed issue, unless they are using 5 year old technology for their processor. "https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=Cv3E6F93uVq3ABpHIhASko5LYD8ew6IAI_9ip-b0CrIeQxMkBCAQQAyDj-4MYKAhgyabxi8ikrBSgAYiJufwDyAEHqgQkT9CvqwS7FwNS9vugAAMlMPUF8BfclU9gsvjVWehWK2aC8Jn9gAWX4LwLwAUFoAYm2AYCgAfL1ucCkAcBqAemvhvYBwHgEoqR2eD4yengJA&sig=AOD64_21yz94DAkVDC0FqRvE3V-laSE5eA&ctype=5&clui=5&ved=0ahUKEwi96MSo5M_LAhXCdD4KHeBGB9MQwg8IEQ&adurl=http://1207.xg4ken.com/trk/v1%3Fprof%3D3%26camp%3D8294%26affcode%3Dpg36984%26kct%3Dgoogle%26kchid%3D5169651198%26cid%3D85215724479%26networkType%3Dsearch%26kdv%3Dm%26kpid%3D4472201%26kmc%3D1311674%26criteriaid%3Dpla-54098396076%26adgroupid%3D24918554919%26campaignid%3D340159119%26locphy%3D9026532%26adpos%3D1o3%26url%3Dhttp://clickserve.dartsearch.net/link/click%3Flid%3D92700009536440225%26ds_s_kwgid%3D58700001027904412%26ds_s_inventory_feed_id%3D97700000001790452%26ds_e_product_id%3D4472201%26ci_customer_id%3D1001119%26ci_cse_id%3D1008%26ci_feed_id%3D1008301%26ds_e_product_country%3DUS%26ds_e_product_language%3Den%26ds_e_product_channel%3Donline%26ds_url_v%3D2%26ds_dest_url%3Dhttp://www.bestbuy.com/site/lenovo-ideacentre-stick-300-intel-atom-2gb-memory-32gb-solid-state-drive-black/4472201.p%253Fid%253D1219751161670%2526skuId%253D4472201%26ds_e_product_merchant_id%3D1311674%26ksid%3D_kenshoo_clickid_%26ksprof_id%3D3%26ksaffcode%3Dpg36984%26ksdevice%3Dm%26ref%3D212%26loc%3D1"
  3. Nobody gives a crap about flash, as long as the primary content providers support html5, but they don't or the web browser is not properly identifying itself to tell the server to use html5. Specifically xfinity go. In either case, we is needs to fix it. Slow is better than nothing. This is the only thing that keeps me from dedicating a pc to my TV. When you pay $6000 for a TV, they can afford to put a decent CPU chip in there !! I will even buy a couple upgrade for this tv if that is what it takes. It is too easy for someone like you to dismiss someone else's problem.
  4. Xfinity Go web site requires adobe flash. I was so disappointed that my $6000 TV browser does not support flash.
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