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Everything posted by Ozhan

  1. Hello, I would like to report an issue with the WebOS 6 interface. Could you pass my message on to the Korean technician. Thank you. Each time WebOs 6 is launched, there is a latency of 2 - 3 seconds, because there is too much ad time to load everything on the page. This is really annoying, because the WebOs 5 was faster. and also, when we were watching television and we want to see webos launch without interrupting what I am watching, it is no longer possible because everything puts it in full screen. It's a shame that we no longer have the search bar at the bottom and in the background of our television channels. Can you update to no longer have latency in the menu, and to have as before the possibility of having the bar at the bottom of the screen like the webos 5. Also having the choice to modify the menu ( webos) in order to reduce latency by disabling advertisements, if we could disable columns we are not interested in and that creates latency. Thank you Yours,
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