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vivekpohre last won the day on March 31 2015

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  1. A folder wise slideshow is a must feature needed. Music player is something that should be able to be played in background while working or browsing some other areas of the TV OS.
  2. Yeah. But its atleast 5 steps process to reach there. While I am playing a music or a music channel and I dont want the screen to be displayed it doesn't come handy. I would advocate for a toggles blind like in android smart phones. Air Remote is a great design but lacks the handy buttons feature of conventional remotes. The toggle blind would be great add. Please like this if you appreciate.
  3. The way we have a toggle blind in iPhone or android ... we should have all those customisable settings icon grid which can be used to make switches in 2 clicks. Right now any settings are at least 5 clicks away from the user. This icon might sit where the settings icon sits today. Its awesome to see such a fantastic air remote but on the cost of handy buttons. This blind might eat up that frustration. Please like this if you appreciate.
  4. This would be a lovable feature if implemented. Users generally change channels on their settopbox using the magic remote which is very cumbersome. So even if someone has done that once why shouldn't the OS cache it and show that list of top 10 most visited channels to choose from.
  5. While I watch a movie from my connected HDD, I am not able to switch the audio output in 2 movements. I have to go to the settings always. Can't I have it setting beneath as one of the tabs to choose from? This would help a great UX problem to be resolved.
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